Cinco dicas de Benjamin Graham para você investir melhor
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As melhores dicas de Benjamin Graham, guru de Warren Buffett
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Untätig, gelangweilt und reich
CFA Bernd Schmid:
“Wenn Day-Trading-Strategien aufregender klingen als langfristiges Investieren, dann liegt es daran, dass sie es sind. Leider sind sie auch zeitraubend, anstrengend, kostenintensiv und die Wahrscheinlichkeit für anhaltend hohe Renditen ist sehr gering.”
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"The extraordinary thing about the securities market, if you judge it over a long period of years, is the fact that it does not go off on tangents permanently, but it remains in continuous orbit." —Benjamin Graham
Money Memes #95
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► The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham (mpt's Advisor Books #4)
► Warren Buffett says this is by far the best book on investing ever written. The greatest investment advisor of the twentieth century, Benjamin Graham taught and inspired many including Warren Buffet.
► Our Goodreads book club:
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#benjamingraham #financialadvisor #registeredrep #mutualfunds #americanfunds #investing #retirement #money #selfimprovement #books #reading
"Individuals who cannot master their emotions are ill-suited to profit from the investment process." —Benjamin Graham
mpt's Money Memes #2
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