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Robert Fairhead · @tallandtrue
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After 68 hours spread over two months, I've reached the Epitaph of 's trilogy about the life of , The Mirror and the Light, read by .

I was amazed when Mantel revealed in a Big Weekend of Books interview with ABC RN's The Bookshelf's Kate Evans (link below) how she wrote the ending of this novel after writing the opening of the first novel, Wolf Hall, because she knew that would be the arc of her story about Cromwell.

And now, I'm at the end of her trilogy, and I feel sad about it. Partly it's a human reaction to the endpoint of Cromwell's "arc" (despite his brutal reputation). But most of all, I will miss Hilary Mantel's writing, so wonderfully voiced by Ben Miles.

So if you have a spare 68 hours, I highly recommend this unabridged audiobook adaptation. And listening to The Bookshelf Pod Extra episode!

Link to The Bookshelf episode: abc.net.au/radionational/progr

#books #audiobooks #hilarymantel #WolfHall #thomascromwell #benmiles

Last updated 2 years ago

Robert Fairhead · @tallandtrue
66 followers · 109 posts · Server aus.social

Just finished listening to the second instalment of 's trilogy, , on . Can't wait to start the final, , also narrated by . ❤️

#hilarymantel #WolfHall #bringupthebodies #audible #themirrorandthelight #benmiles #books #audiobooks

Last updated 2 years ago