@allrite Makes me think of a #BennyHill parody of Jacques Cousteau where “Jacques” is flexing his arms for a young woman. The narrator says he is showing her his muscles. The camera starts to pan down. “And now he his showing her his cockles” ... with a collection of molluscs on a table at crotch level. 🤣
1984 Part 4
#jollybiscuit #1984 #1984georgeorwell #england #britain #dystopia #dictatorship #authoritarianism #totaltarianism #britbongers #bigbrother #propaganda #bennyhill #thebeatles #highlander #bigben #bigbrother #buckinghampalace #queenelizabeth #queenvictoria #IRA #irish #ireland #humor #funny #comic #comics #webcomic #webcomics #comicstrip
#jollybiscuit #1984georgeorwell #england #britain #dystopia #dictatorship #authoritarianism #totaltarianism #britbongers #bigbrother #propaganda #bennyhill #thebeatles #highlander #bigben #buckinghampalace #queenelizabeth #queenvictoria #IRA #irish #ireland #humor #funny #comic #comics #webcomic #webcomics #comicstrip
67 years ago:
Who Done It? (UK)
This movie debut for saucy British TV comic Benny Hill has Benny leaving his job as a sweeper after winning some money. He becomes a private detective and investigates a plot to assassinate British scientists.
#WhoDoneIt #BennyHill #BelindaLee #DavidKossoff #EalingStudios #ClassicMovies
#whodoneit #bennyhill #belindalee #davidkossoff #ealingstudios #classicmovies
wow, 1961. Benny Hill singing about Pepys Diary. There's other versions and performances in the years since then as well.
A bad combination, of #UFO, #Space1999, & #BennyHill (iac)
#ufo #space1999 #bennyhill #moonzerotwo
“It didn’t bother me that he had all these sexy young women around him, because it made it funny. He wasn’t gonna get any of them!”
— Phyllis Diller
#BennyHill (1924-1992) would have been 99 today.
#BornOnThisDay #ClassicTV #1970s #1970sTV #BritishTV #Nostalgia
#nostalgia #britishtv #1970stv #1970s #classictv #bornonthisday #bennyhill
RT @vintagerotica1@twitter.com
#BennyHill and Hills angels
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/vintagerotica1/status/1616325147538984960
60 yrs ago
#YaketySax was a pop novelty instrumental jointly composed by James Q. "Spider" Rich & #BootsRandolph. Includes pieces of assorted fiddle tunes & was originally composed by Rich for a performance at a venue called The Armory in Hopkinsville, Kentucky. The piece also quotes two bars each of Entrance of the Gladiators and The Girl I Left Behind.
19 Jan 1963
#BennyHill #pop #music #1960s
#yaketysax #bootsrandolph #bennyhill #pop #music #1960s
LOL. Gjørme er vanskelig.
RT @UniversUltra
#Luetzerathbleibt #BennyHill https://twitter.com/HerrHoert/status/1614386528934846470
RT @Schmidtlepp
Sorry, I had to do it. Sound on! #lützerath #Lützerathbleibt #BennyHill
#bennyhill #LutzerathBleibt #Lutzerath
Avec la musique, c'est encore plus drôle
RT @UniversUltra
#Luetzerathbleibt #BennyHill https://twitter.com/HerrHoert/status/1614386528934846470
RT @UniversUltra@twitter.com
#Luetzerathbleibt #BennyHill https://twitter.com/HerrHoert/status/1614386528934846470
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/UniversUltra/status/1614433332611235840
Polisen i Tyskland som ska stoppa protesterna mot en brunkolsgruva – tonsatta med Benny Hill-musiken.
RT @UniversUltra@twitter.com
#Luetzerathbleibt #BennyHill https://twitter.com/HerrHoert/status/1614386528934846470
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/UniversUltra/status/1614433332611235840
RT @UniversUltra@twitter.com
#Luetzerathbleibt #BennyHill https://twitter.com/HerrHoert/status/1614386528934846470
Someone had to do it.
#coad #mud #police #bennyhill #luetzerath
Someone had to do it : #Luetzerath, 2022
#luetzerath #coal #environment #police #mud #bennyhill