Why am I sad that they won't let me leave Benson's stuffed green dragon to keep him company while he boards?
Would you LOOK at this schmoopie face! Don't you love it?
I'm going to miss him soooooo much while I'm in DC. He's my big senior baby.
You know, I think he's slowing down a little. An hour's walk really puts him out and he's rather lollygaggish on his walks now. (Unless he needs to poo -- then he's pulling hard.)
My big boi.
Gratitude to all the bus drivers who absolutely positively know that Benson is, indeed, my pet.
And they still give us a ride.
You're angels.
#bensonupdate #ladybacheloristiredt
Present Me regrets Last Night Me's eating of that ice cream.
Sho' woulda been nice right now.
Daycare to-home commute was later than I wanted (due to janky-ass bus schedules that are apparently mere suggestions and hopes rather than timetables) but easier on my body. I didn't sweat my edges! My legs are still functional and strong! I'm not exhausted!
And my boi? He pooped; sniffed all the things; ate dinner; and now he's down, snoring.
An excellent night.
While I was sitting with Benson at coffee, 2 OPD officers came over to look over my dog. I ignored them and continued focusing on Benson.
As they walked away, I rewarded Benson for staying in position and whispered, 'Remember: ACAB forever. We never talk to cops. Never.'
Discipline starts at home, yo.
Benson woke me from my nap on the couch by resting half his weight on my belly.
So, in return, I strapped him into his harness, took him outside, and got a mani/pedi while he waited. He enjoyed pets from random strangers, barked at me through the window, and eventually settled down. The women at the salon asked a lot of questions about him.
On the walk back home, he was chill, keeping pace with me, his leash loose.
And his poop -- yay! Tiny yet semi-solid. A good color, very little mucous, and no blood streaks. The rice+pumpkin is working.
When we got home, I let him off leash in our open (yet gated) garage space, and he tentatively cavorted, looking back at me like, Is this okay?
This is very okay, dog dude. Enjoy that dog joy.
He's fed, watered, and curled up snoring now. Schmoopie.
Benson: [getting into mischief]
Me: Dude, you are not being cool today. You're getting into nonsense, licking bowls, and generally being annoying. I get it. You are bored and hungry. I understand. You are tired of the rice and pumpkin.
Benson: [stomach gurgling]
Me: See. That's your guts. Your guts are oogie. I can't feed you treats now.
Benson: [whining]
Me: No. No treats. I recognize this behavior. You are eating your feelings.
His impatience and coming up on me to jump into my lap has necessitated a quick & firm reinforcement of boundaries.
Stern Mommy has entered the chat.
The way Benson just stood up to look at me over the top of my slipper chair.
Benson: Why haven't you fed me, yet.
My efficiency and planning thwarted YET AGAIN by AC Transit jankery.
#daycareday #bensonupdate #ladybachelorwithadog
Yay. Benson knows to get me up when he's in gastrointestinal distress and needs to poop.
Boo. It's gotdam 3 am.
We need to be up at 5.
1. Benson resting in his orange harness and refusing to walk another gotdamn step in this heat on our stairwell.
2. A selfie of me with pigtails (in sunglasses) tolerating his adorable nonsense.
It's warm in Oakland so I've had my front door cracked open to let in more air.
I've also been on calls all morning. Benson has been napping and checking in. He dragged his bed closer and closer to the open door and, while I was on a call, I heard a noise.
So I stood up and -- no Benson!
I looked up and saw his tail disappear around the corner down the hall.
Dude was halfway down the stairs before I could get to him. Hilarious but also DUDE.
A Yay/Boo:
Yay!! Our home commute was, as predicted, easy peasy-lemon squeasy! 45 min total, from Benson pick up to arriving at my street!
Boo. This dog decided to lollygag and obsess about going into PetFood Co and we basically wasted an hour 2 blocks away from our house, negotiating whether he was coming home or staying at PFC for eternity.
Grrr. This dog.
When Benson is napping, sometimes I like to get on the floor next to him and pat his big belly and scritch his jaw.
The way he opens one gold eye to look at me and then he just lays there with his eye open while I pet and coo over him until I stand up and leave him alone.
My love language is Putting My Hands on You.
Alicia the Fancy Trainer told me Benson has a few needs:
Dog Brain Stimulation
We begin every morning with Affection. I sit in my slipper chair and Benson trots over and I give him a nice body rub and scritches while he whips his tail back/forth.
Then we go for a nice long sniffari walk.
I've been lagging on the Dog Brain Enrichment thing and he started to display some leash biting and teething some non-dog items today. So, after the long walk, we played tug of war, I wrapped some treats in a knotted bandana and after about an hour of this puzzle, he's down for his morning nap.
We'll do some refresher obedience drills later today.
This Dog Mama stuff is exhausting.
#bensonupdate #ladybacheloristiredt
Tonight's walk:
An off-leash Pom ran up on Benson to sniff his butt while we waited for a light to change and freaked him out? Got him excited? Hard to say. I still can't read whether he's playful or freaked out when another dog approaches him.
Most of the time, he's indifferent.
Unless you're a cat, crow, pigeon, or squirrel. And now owl. Oh, or a peacock. (Saw him, too, btw. Just sitting in someone's yard like a beautiful bird vase.)
We passed an apartment building, and as we walked past their open garage space, we encountered two women (they had a Bestie vibe) at a little cafe table, two chairs, a little striped blue rug, some music, and some chilled sparkling adult beverages. It was a whole thing. A Parisian bistro in a parking space.
This is amazing, I said as I walked by. They laughed. I loved that for them.
#bensonupdate #Rockridge #EastBay #fridaynight