empfehlenswertes, aktuelles Serienfutter #ThisIsgoingTohurt mit #BenWishaw als #AdamKay #TVSerie #Serienkritik
#thisisgoingtohurt #benwishaw #adamkay #tvserie #Serienkritik
"Always summer." I adore those scenes of Charles' & Sebastian's perfect summer of happiness. They make my heart sing & weep in equal measure.
See ⬇️ link to GIFs, quote from novel & link to magical score.
#matthewgoode #benwishaw #haleyatwell
📷 Brideshead Revisited my edit
#haleyatwell #benwishaw #matthewgoode
"Is this where you live? "
The moment where Charles Ryder falls in love with Brideshead.
This is a clip of 9 panoramic gifs at https://at.tumblr.com/asgoodeasgold/is-this-where-you-live-we-drove-on-and-in-the/dacyk58wpxk4
Link to 💚 music ⬇️
#matthewgoode #benwishaw #castlehoward @CastleHowardEst@twitter.com
📷 Brideshead Revisited (2008) my edit
#castlehoward #benwishaw #matthewgoode
Charles and Sebastian's happy days in Oxford.
GIFs at https://at.tumblr.com/asgoodeasgold/charles-and-sebastians-happy-days-in-oxford/4f38ats5ogz1
#matthewgoode #charlesryder #benwishaw #sebastianflyte #bridesheadrevisited
📷 Brideshead Revisited (2008) my edit
#bridesheadrevisited #sebastianflyte #benwishaw #charlesryder #matthewgoode
"It's so clever of you to know what you want. I don't really know what I want, except to be happy. If I can."
Charles and Sebastian (and Alosyus) get to know each other over a lunch of plover eggs and champagne.
#matthewgoode #benwishaw
📷 Brideshead Revisited (2098) my edit
watching a #BenWishaw film called Surge. Bleakorama. He's very good but they need to cast him in a comedy some time