Non solo GHB, attenzione alle varie "droghe dello stupro". Di che cosa parliamo quando diciamo "droghe dello stupro"? Ciclicamente il tema delle droghe dello stupro torna attuale. Che cosa sono, realmente? In quali contesti si usano? E come ci si protegge?
Di che cosa si tratta, esattamente?
#antidepressivi #benzodiazepine #chemsex #droghedellostupro #GBL #GHB #mdma #rapportisessuali #sostanzepsicoattive #sostanzestupefacenti #violenzasessuale #violenzasulledonne
#antidepressivi #benzodiazepine #chemsex #droghedellostupro #gbl #GHB #mdma #rapportisessuali #sostanzepsicoattive #sostanzestupefacenti #violenzasessuale #violenzasulledonne
#cardiomastodon #Clinicaltrial #Delirium is common after #cardiacsurgery associated with adverse outcomes. #Benzodiazepine administration before /after cardiac surgery is associated with delirium; guidelines recommend minimizing their use. Benzodiazepine administration during cardiac surgery remains common because of recognized benefits.
#cardiomastodon #clinicaltrial #delirium #cardiacsurgery #benzodiazepine
[Automatic repost]
RT @quit_benzo: カイロプラクティックオフィスで頸部ジストニアを引き起こす脊柱側弯症 - Cureus
My current meds:
- #Duloxetine (an SNRI #antidepressant, often sold as #Cymbalta)
- #Clonazepam (a #benzodiazepine primarily for #anxiety/#PanicAttacks)
- #Paroxetine (an SSRI antidepressant, known as ‘#Paxil’)
- #Lithium carbonate (a mood stabilizer, used for #BiPolar disorder, but in my case to reduce #SuicidalIdeation - intrusive suicidal impulses)
We aim to reduce the Clonazepam and Paroxetine to zero this year (I’ve ended up on these four after a long time of trying different meds).
#duloxetine #antidepressant #cymbalta #clonazepam #benzodiazepine #anxiety #paroxetine #paxil #lithium #bipolar #suicidalideation
Comparison of oral triclofos and intranasal midazolam and dexmedetomidine for sedation in children undergoing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): an open-label, three-arm, randomized trial. OPEN ACCESS.
Read it on:
#sedation #pediatric #benzodiazepine
#sedation #pediatric #benzodiazepine
Wurden mir einst verschrieben. Die Abhängigkeit ist schnell da. Und der Entzug ist wahrlich kein Pappenstiel. Mir gelang das zum Glück. Micro-Dosierung ist das Stichwort.
Diese Doku sagt alles. Hatte mehrfach Gänsehaut beim Zuschauen.