#Gangrel Creature -- versteht man das eigentlich, wenn man #Beowulf nicht kennt? Viel mir grad in einem Satz von Faramir in der #HerrderRinge Trilogie auf.
#gangrel #beowulf #HerrderRinge
Still thinking of Maria Dahvana Headley’s bold #translation of #Beowulf’s opening word ‘Hwæt!’ (Heaney: ‘So…’, sometimes given as ‘Listen:’ etc) as ‘Bro:…’. An intense, hip-hoppy, intimate, almost breathless, launching into a story. Makes me want to see how she maintains that vibe through the whole thing…
(Also to wonder what direction other surprising choices would take it in: ‘Oi!’ [Cockney Beowulf?], ‘Hear Ye, hear ye!’ [C18th town crier], ‘I say, I say, I say…’ [music hall comic…] etc).
Medieval Literature is defined broadly as any work written in Latin or the vernacular between c. https://www.worldhistory.org/Medieval_Literature/ #History #Bede #Beowulf #CanterburyTales
#CanterburyTales #beowulf #bede #History
(No idea what hashtags to use...)
Any of you have a pdf of "Beowulf and the heroic age", the introduction by R. Chambers to A. Strong's translation? Could you send me a copy, please?
I'm on the West Saxon elimination diet, where you avoid reading gradually larger amounts of #Beowulf.
I've already lost Hwæt!
My talk at #eurocon2023 is titled "Odinn's, Hrothgar's, Beorn's and Theoden's mead halls were a real thing and often get excavated". Thursday 8 June, 16:00, room VIII-2. Welcome!
#eurocon2023 #fantasy #Tolkien #beowulf #archaeology #vikings #uppsala
Bea Wolf by Zach Weinersmith and Boulet. I probably would not have heard of this graphic novel if I wasn't a fan of Boulet. And while I enjoyed reading it, I get the impression that it's a lot of energy, craft and talent devoted to something a little bit inconsequent. In a nutshell, Bea Wolf is the retelling of Beowulf in verse and all, but with kids as the leading characters and a dour, sombre adult as Grendel (Mr. Grindle). It's very funny, and wacky as all hell, but I finished it with a kind of "is this all it's about?" kind of impression. It's very possible that if I had known Beowulf, or even better read it, I might have seen more of the tour de force that went on behind this wacky adaptation. I feel like I didn't get it, is my view in the end. #comics #graphicnovel #epic #beowulf
#beowulf #epic #graphicnovel #comics
When King Cnut sailed to Denmark in 1019, did he bring a copy of Beowulf with him? https://www.medievalists.net/2023/04/beowulf-king-cnut/ #Beowulf #medieval
Just arrived, Weinersmith and Boulet's delightful retelling of #Beowulf, the gorgeous middle-grade #graphicNovel #BeaWolf. This book is somewhat difficult to get in the UK at the moment. But I was lucky to find Forbidden Planet (.com) had copies. Will be reading it soon, after I've finished my current graphic novel. #ComicBooks #OldEnglish #EpicPoems #ClassicLiterature #ChildrensBooks #comics #GraphicNovels
#graphicnovels #comics #childrensbooks #classicliterature #epicpoems #oldenglish #comicbooks #beawolf #graphicnovel #beowulf
Preorders of Shield Maiden in the US are 25% off @BNBuzz
! Use the code PREORDER25 between April 26-28 to get this retelling of Beowulf with dragons, magic, curses, battles, political intrigue, and a kickass disabled shield maiden hero!
(the author is an acquaintance of mine, I'm so proud of her for publishing!)
Offert pour la #SantJordi : "Béa Wolf", BD scénarisée par Weinersmith et dessinée par Boulet, une réécriture de l'épopée médiévale anglaise "Beowulf" mais de nos jours et avec des garnements à la place des héros. Pas encore lu en entier mais ça commence bien, avec un texte au style épique pas piqué des vers et une traduction au taquet.
#BandeDessinée #Boulet #ZachWeinersmith #Beowulf #BéaWolf
#santjordi #bandedessinee #boulet #zachweinersmith #beowulf #beawolf
Lectures 2023 📚 / 24
Béa Wolf - Boulet & Weinersmith
Une réécriture très inspirée de Beowulf où les protagonistes sont des enfants.
J'ai beaucoup aimé l'ambiance à la fois enfantine et sérieuse très bien rendue par les dessins, et le récit qui s'amuse à imiter la narration du texte d'origine et qu'on a envie de déclamer à haute voix.
#MastoLivre #Lecture #SFFF #Imaginaire #Beowulf #BandeDessinée #BD
#mastolivre #lecture #sfff #imaginaire #beowulf #bandedessinee #bd
"In our furious fighting, we failed to look shoreward. There, teens had gaggled, grinning and grease-benighted! Our battle-dance drew them - dark-pitted demon-dogs, stink-crusted teen-beasts, shave-needing fun-shredders!"
I think this is my favorite bit so far from #BeaWolf by @ZachWeinersmith Count on teenagers to be "shave-needing fun-shredders" indeed.
#beawolf #beowulf #kidlit #childrensbooks
Thoughts about a super new #graphic #novel #OldEnglish #Beowulf https://massmedievalist.substack.com/p/the-massachusetts-medievalist-chortles?sd=pf
#graphic #novel #OldEnglish #beowulf
"Many foes were felled beneath the cardboard crown / Reams of bullies were raided, their ill-got riches returned / Gateways were tunnelled to long-grounded kids, games given in secret / And no flea-flecked furball went foodless or bereft of bed"
Listen up! Bea Wolf is a brilliant retelling of a classic Old English saga—for kids - Enlarge / Kids and grown-ups alike will enjoy answering "candy's clario... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1925154 #oldenglishliterature #zachweinersmith #gaming&culture #beawolf #beowulf #books
#books #beowulf #beawolf #gaming #zachweinersmith #oldenglishliterature
Ars Technica: Listen up! Bea Wolf is a brilliant retelling of a classic Old English saga—for kids https://arstechnica.com/?p=1925154 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #OldEnglishliterature #zachweinersmith #Gaming&Culture #BeaWolf #Beowulf #books
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #oldenglishliterature #zachweinersmith #Gaming #beawolf #beowulf #books
I'm so close to having FEXPRs working I can *taste* it!
Too late, too tired, tomorrow is another day.
#Beowulf: The Epic in Performance
By Benjamin Bagby
(voice and medieval harp)
#beowulf #OldEnglish #poetry #poem #medieval
@simon_brooke you're not wrong! I have been watching #beowulf excitedly anticipating the #FEXPR implementation!