David Penington · @DavidPenington
51 followers · 1547 posts · Server mastodon.au
Margaret Dahlstrom · @MargaretD
157 followers · 332 posts · Server aus.social

Corrupt or not, he was such a dickhead! Why on earth was she with him?

#auspol #berejiklian

Last updated 1 year ago

· @StarkRG
88 followers · 29 posts · Server myside-yourside.net

"She just made some bad decicions" isn't the defense the Liberal party thinks it is. Making good decisions is literally part of a politicians job, if she's not good at that, then, regardless of her intentions, she definitely should not have been in that position.

#auspol #berejiklian #icac

Last updated 1 year ago

Richard Forrester - 🐦 escapee · @RichForrest2
196 followers · 4393 posts · Server aus.social
Kent Parkstreet, Laird Doofus · @kentparkstreet
3742 followers · 5288 posts · Server aus.social

Would you look at that? Another maaate of Morrison found to be corrupt.

#berejiklian #auspol #nswpol

Last updated 1 year ago

Kent Parkstreet, Laird Doofus · @kentparkstreet
3742 followers · 5286 posts · Server aus.social

Would you look at that? Another maaate of Morrison’s found to be corrupt.

#berejiklian #auspol #nswpol

Last updated 1 year ago

· @EndemicEarthling
209 followers · 280 posts · Server todon.eu

Comedian, provocateur, YouTuber, muckraker & investigative journalist (aka ) had his house a couple of months ago. A long list of powerful interests have plenty of motive, given his history of exposing & abuses of power in NSW politics. (NSW is an Australian state with 8m people, 5m in .)

Shanks has targeted many of NSW's major industries: , , , , , , . He's been sued by a mining magnate & a member of the state executive. He's exposed links between organised crime & the executive, shown how easy is, triggered parliamentary questions about abuses, & played a not-insignificant role in bringing down a popular premier & her deputy, almost causing a rift between the two parties that form a Coalition government in NSW. He's also covered corruption in federal parliament.

At times, he has been nasty, misogynistic, racist & ableist. He's unashamedly partisan (pro-ALP). But there's no denying that while still in his 20s he has become a significant figure in and , whose influence has been felt across many fields.

#jordanshanks #FriendlyJordies #firebombed #corruption #sydney #coal #banking #construction #media #realestate #gambling #logging #billionaire #moneylaundering #nswpolice #nswpol #auspol #barilaro #berejiklian #nswicac #ClivePalmer

Last updated 2 years ago

· @EndemicEarthling
195 followers · 257 posts · Server todon.eu

There is a state election in NSW in the next couple of months. I hope voters remember the following points.

1. Both Gladys and John (former Premier and Deputy Premier for the ) openly admitted in NSW parliament to pork-barrelling. The former tried to minimise it by saying everyone does it. The latter tried to joke about it ("Call me Porkbarilaro").

2. Both Berejiklian and Barilaro subsequently resigned, facing various accusations of corruption, both continue to be under investigation to this day.

3. NSW's Independent Commission Against Corruption () subsequently confirmed in a public statement that it considers pork-barrelling (a.k.a. the misuse of public funds for partisan ends) a form of .

4. All the funds allocated under programs accused of pork-barrelling under these two would have had to be signed off by the Treasurer of the day.

5. His name is Dominic .

#berejiklian #barilaro #coalition #ICAC #corruption #perrottet #nswpol

Last updated 2 years ago