> But how is it possible to know the end without the means, the whole without the parts? We cannot know this end or whole under the form of an image, because an image which would make us see the effect being brought about would show us, within the image itself, the means by which the effect is obtained.
#Bergson on #communism or smth.
Here's a blog post about what I found when a weird translators note in the German edition of #Deleuze s Bergsonism got me to look into the publication history of #Bergson s Duration and Simultaneity. FUN!!!
the third part of my consideration of cinematic time:
#Bergson #Deleuze #cinema #philosophy #film @emilyherring
#bergson #deleuze #cinema #philosophy #film
Thus, with all the latest news in tech dev the race to become the world's next Henri #Bergson has started.
Seriously, we need that shit, we need thought experiments of AI persona identity, quality of sensation, cosmology of creativity.
They never learn and from the POV of a professional philosopher that might just pay the bills.
#eternalrepetition #duree #ai #bergson
pdf of an earlier post that links to a note on cinematic time. This text presents the concept a plan vital. It draws equally from Bergson's élan vital and Deleuze's transcendental plan(e). The virtual is a reflection not in space, in time.
@emilyherring #Bergson #Deleuze
RT @SebastjanVoros
"For if our body is the matter upon which our consciousness applies itself, it is coextensive with our consciousness. It includes everything that we perceive, it extends unto the stars."
- Henri #Bergson
@emilyherring Enduring Dreams is a long note on cinematic time, after #Bergson, #Russell, #Deleuze and #Schonig
#bergson #russell #deleuze #schonig
Journey of Morning as Tomorrows | Chapter 1 | Homo rehabilis
#bird #birds #birdlover #essay #naturewriting #philosophy #anthropology #bergson #revelation #buddhism #ecosystem #superposition #quantum #quantummechanics #nature #homorehabilis #bugs #error #Islam #sufism #eberhardt #maghreb #topos #dream #medium #naturewriting #immense #kuya #amida
#bird #birds #birdlover #essay #naturewriting #philosophy #anthropology #bergson #revelation #buddhism #ecosystem #superposition #quantum #quantummechanics #nature #homorehabilis #bugs #error #islam #sufism #eberhardt #maghreb #topos #dream #medium #immense #kuya #amida
Translation memo.
"Totally pure duration is the form taken by a succession of our consciousness when our Selves let themselves live and refrain to establish the separation between the present state and the states that precede it."(Bergson, Henri-Louis. “L' Essai sur les données immédiates de la conscience”, translated by myself.)
I didn't realize it because I had read the Japanese translation until now, but there is an image of evolutionism behind the purposely calling the past as "preceeding states'' here. It seems that he named it "totally pure duration", including the successive sense of not establishing separation between ourself and our all ancestors which ware living existences in the time from the ancient era to present.
The original French text is:
"La durée toute pure est la forme que prend la succession de nos états de conscience quand notre moi se laisse vivre, quand il s’abstient d’établir une séparation entre l’état présent et les états antérieurs. "
#translation #quote #bergson #time #freewill #self #evolution #sustainability #ecology #anthropology #翻訳 #ベルクソン #引用 #名言 #哲学 #人類学 #考古学
#translation #quote #bergson #time #freewill #self #evolution #sustainability #ecology #anthropology #翻訳 #ベルクソン #引用 #名言 #哲学 #人類学 #考古学
Journey of Morning as Tomorrows | first half of Chapter 1 | Homo rehabilis
#bird #birds #birdlover #essay #naturewriting #philosophy #anthropology #bergson #revelation #ecosystem #superposition #quantum #quantummechanics #nature #homorehabilis #bugs #error
#bird #birds #birdlover #essay #naturewriting #philosophy #anthropology #bergson #revelation #ecosystem #superposition #quantum #quantummechanics #nature #homorehabilis #bugs #error
#銀河鉄道の父 で #菅田将暉 さん演じる #宮沢賢治 のセリフに出てくる #ベルクソン #Bergson はこの #アンリベルクソン #HenriBergson です。
#ベルクソン思想の現在 #檜垣立哉 #平井靖文 #平賀裕貴 #藤田尚志 #米田翼 #書肆侃侃房
#ルリユール書店 #八幡西区 #北九州 #福岡 #ブックオカ
#ブックオカ #福岡 #北九州 #八幡西区 #ルリユール書店 #書肆侃侃房 #米田翼 #藤田尚志 #平賀裕貴 #平井靖文 #檜垣立哉 #ベルクソン思想の現在 #HenriBergson #アンリベルクソン #bergson #ベルクソン #宮沢賢治 #菅田将暉 #銀河鉄道の父
The book cover for Deleuze, Bergson, Merleau-Ponty: The Logic and Pragmatics of Creation, Affective Life, and Perception by Dorothea E. Olkwoski looks pretty awesome.
I'm afraid I might not be able to understand this, but if they release a movie adaptation, that would be great.
half #joke
#movie #adaptation #book #cover #Deleuze #Bergson #MerleauPonty #Logic #Creation #Life #Perception #Philosophy #Phenomenology
#joke #movie #adaptation #book #cover #deleuze #bergson #MerleauPonty #logic #creation #life #perception #philosophy #phenomenology
★★★★ This year!
#desktop #whitecube #image #dimension #variable
RT @georg_eckmayr
Working in my atelier on #expanded #imagery. Experimenting with light and duration #bergson
From image to space #WIP
#desktop #whitecube #image #dimension #variable #expanded #imagery #bergson #wip
No joking here, but after first run during the week, am returning to this
...during Sunday downtime...
👂 🔦 ⌚
#Bergson vs positivism
Guest star, #VirginiaWoolf
No joking here, but after first run during the week, am returning to this
...during Sunday downtime...
https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m0004s9w 🕰️ 👂 🔦
#Bergson vs positivism
Guest star, #VirginiaWoolf
Time for Bergson ⌚
https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m0004s9w :blobnom:
#bergson #virginiawoolf #philosophy #philosophie