Kijk nu terug, #teamnl bij de #berlin2023 #specialolympicsworldgames #SOTeamNL2023 . Wat sport op wereld niveau kan betekenen voor mensen met een beperking.
Bekijk De weg naar de Special Olympics op
#soteamnl2023 #specialolympicsworldgames #berlin2023 #teamnl
Zaterdag 26 Aug gaat de docu "Op weg naar de Special Olympics" in première op @NPO1 19:05.
De documentaire makers zijn een aantal maanden met ons Judo team meegereisd tot in Berlijn. Ook Hockey, wielrennen, paardrijden is gevolgd. @SO_NL #berlin2023
Afgelopen weken en ongelofelijk avontuur meegemaakt bij de #specialolympicsworldgames #Berlin2023. Mijn dochter deed mee op het onderdeel Judo, en een Bronzen medaille!! Super trots!! Voor de ouders die mee waren was het een enorme rollercoaster aan emoties en vreugde. Alleen heel erg jammer dat Nederlandse TV geen aandacht er aan besteed. #ESPN #ZDF #SkySport en veel andere media waren er wel!
Lokale TV nog wel aandacht en vertelt ze hier haar verhaal
#specialolympics #skysport #zdf #espn #berlin2023 #specialolympicsworldgames
Having the Special Olympics World Games here in Berlin is really neat. You run into international athletes and their delegations everywhere you go. Like, you are waiting for a bus, and Team Fiji is at the bus stop with you. Say what you want about big international sports events, I know I know. But there is something joyful about seeing people from far and wide come together to do a thing they are really good at and passionate about. I will never not love that.
#specialolympics #berlin2023
Seit 2008 ist Dennis Mellentin bei den Special Olympics dabei. 2023 nimmt er nicht als Radsportler teil, sondern unterstützt als Radsport-Offizieller.
#einfachMensch begleitet ihn bei Vorbereitung und Start der #SpecialOlympicsWorldGames. #Berlin2023
#einfachmensch #specialolympicsworldgames #berlin2023
When healthcare providers champion an inclusive practice, everyone benefits. View personal stories from providers and patients about the impact of inclusive health here:
#DisabilityALLY #Diversability #Inclusion4Health #SpecialOlympics #Berlin2023
#disabilityally #diversability #inclusion4health #specialolympics #berlin2023
Special Olympics athlete Rudolpha Richards shares her view on why it’s crucial for health professionals to practice inclusively. Learn more about becoming a #DisabilityALLY:
#Diversability #Inclusion4Health #SpecialOlympics #Berlin2023
#disabilityally #diversability #inclusion4health #specialolympics #berlin2023
#Stehzeuge-Stadt #Berlin2023: "In einer Mail von Schreiner an ein Bezirksamt, die am Mittwoch vom Tagesspiegel auf Twitter veröffentlicht wurde, schreibt sie, sämtliche Radwege-Projekte seien auszusetzen, die „den Wegfall von einem oder mehreren Fahrstreifen und/oder den Wegfall von Parkplätzen (der Wegfall eines Parkplatzes reicht schon aus) zur Folge haben“."!5939041/
13-year-old gymnast Annabelle Tschech-Loeffler is ready for the Special Olympics. Joining artistic gymnastics classes four years ago was rare for her as only 7% of Germany's 87,000 sports clubs are open to people with disabilities #Berlin2023 #press
13-year-old gymnast Annabelle Tschech-Loeffler is ready for the Special Olympics. Joining artistic gymnastics classes four years ago was rare for her as only 7% of Germany's 87,000 sports clubs are open to people with disabilities #Berlin2023
Annabelle Tschech-Loeffler has Down's syndrome and is competing at the Special Olympics World Games alongside thousands of athletes with intellectual disabilities #Berlin2023 #press
Annabelle Tschech-Loeffler has Down's syndrome and is competing at the Special Olympics World Games alongside thousands of athletes with intellectual disabilities #Berlin2023
Thirteen-year-old Annabelle Tschech-Loeffler, who has Down's syndrome, is competing against over 100 gymnasts at the Special Olympics World Games in Berlin #Berlin2023 #press
Thirteen-year-old Annabelle Tschech-Loeffler, who has Down's syndrome, is competing against over 100 gymnasts at the Special Olympics World Games in Berlin #Berlin2023
Auf die Couch und dann einige Berichte zu den #SpecialOlympics angesehen.
So viel Freude ist ansteckend und macht den anstrengenden Arbeitstag vergessen.
#specialolympics #berlin2023 #ZusammenUnschlagbar #inklusion
ICYMI: Twins Elvira and Inna Amirov, from Germany, are set on swimming gold at the Special Olympics, the world's largest sports event for athletes with mental or physical disabilities #Berlin2023 #press
WATCH: Twin sisters Elvira and Inna Amirov are training for the upcoming Special Olympics in Berlin. The German sisters train with coach Daniela Potocean, an Olympian from Romania's swimming team at the 1968 Games in Mexico #Berlin2023 #press
Die #SpecialOlympicsWorldGames sind eröffnet und morgen gibt es bereits spannende Finals.
Die Spiele für Menschen mit geistiger Beeinträchtigung begleiten wir mit Highlights und Hintergründen in der #ZDFmediathek – und im "sportstudio live". #Berlin2023
#specialolympicsworldgames #zdfmediathek #berlin2023
ICYMI: 'We are happy because we are going to Berlin and yes, to get medals,' Special Olympics participant Inna Amirov said. Inna and her twin sister Elvira, from Germany, are aiming for gold at the upcoming Special Olympics in #Berlin2023 #press
WATCH: German twin sisters Elvira and Inna Amirov are training hard in their goal to swim for gold at the upcoming Special Olympics, the world's largest sports event for athletes with mental or physical disabilities #Berlin2023 #press