Allied Grounds: Connecting Climate and Labor Struggles
BG Project 2023 w/ Texts, Conference + more #berlinergazette #alliedgrounds #climate #labor
#labor #climate #alliedgrounds #berlinergazette
Allied Grounds: Connecting Climate and Labor Struggles
BG Project 2023 w/ Texts, Conference + more #berlinergazette #alliedgrounds #climate #labor
#labor #climate #alliedgrounds #berlinergazette
#CfC “Post-Communist Grounds. In Search of the Commons” #commons #postcommunism
deadline for submitting exposes is December 18, 2022
#afterextractivism #berlinergazette #postcommunism #commons #cfc
“After Extractivism”
a resource site with projects, texts, audios, and video talks tackling the Ecological-Economic Complex, Green Capitalism, Transition Justice
#afterextractivism #berlinergazette #extractivism