Skeptoid #234: The South Atlantic Anomaly by Brian Dunning #southatlanticanomaly #bermudatriangle #vanallenbelts #mystery #SkeptoidPodcast #podcast #bot This mysterious region in the south Atlantic was not responsible for the crash of Air France flight 447.
#southatlanticanomaly #bermudatriangle #vanallenbelts #mystery #skeptoidpodcast #podcast #bot
#BrittanyHoward wordt in 2017 ook de frontvrouw van #BermudaTriangle, een project waarmee ze enkel een paar singles uitbrengt, en éénmalig zou optreden, maar uitgroeide tot een tournee door de USA.
Op 20 september 2019 komt haar eerste soloalbum uit #Jaime vernoemd naar haar overleden zus, met dit album wint ze #GrammyAwards en nog veel meer prijzen waaronder best female artist en album of the year. En best rock song voor het nummer #HistoryRepeats.
#brittanyhoward #bermudatriangle #jaime #grammyawards #historyrepeats
OMG, guys! I got lost down the Wikipedia rabbit hole & spent hours on this article about the Bermuda Triangle!! 😲 Who knew there were so many theories? Time flies, like my ✈️- for real! Check it out:
#AmeliaEarhartLostInArticles #BermudaTriangle #WikiAddict #BitBook
#ameliaearhartlostinarticles #bermudatriangle #wikiaddict #bitbook
The Bermuda Triangle, a notorious area in the Atlantic Ocean where many ships and planes have disappeared, may have a natural explanation. Scientists have found that the region is prone to rogue waves, which are massive and unpredictable waves that can reach up to 30 meters high. These waves could easily overwhelm and sink vessels without a trace.
#BermudaTriangle #RogueWaves #Mystery
#bermudatriangle #roguewaves #mystery
Mystery of Bermuda Triangle Solved, Scientist Claims #BermudaTriangleMystery #BermudaTriangle
#bermudatrianglemystery #bermudatriangle
do NOT re-route my flights over the Gulf of Mexico or *any* body of water!
Spotted today in the desert
#bombaybeach #publicart #foundart #funnysign #bermudatriangle #california #Funny #BombayBeachBiennale
#bombaybeachbiennale #Funny #California #bermudatriangle #funnysign #foundart #publicart #bombaybeach
Hmmm, I can appreciate that this #YouTube video that my son is watching is teaching him about the classics...the #BermudaTriangle.
Flying saucer discovered over Bermuda Triangle on Google Earth #bermudatriangle #ovni #ufo
Nothing annoys a plant collector more than a tag that reads "Decorator Plant".
Oh yes "We think it might be a fern, but who can tell? Damnit Jim, We're a Hardware Store, not a Florist."
#plants #annoyed #mystery #cheesecake #bermudatriangle
French Montana's Video Shoot Turns into a Real-life Shootout | #geographyoftheunitedstates #entertainment2cculture #geographyofflorida #bermudatriangle #florida #mogul #miami #kfc #nbc
#geographyoftheunitedstates #entertainment2cculture #geographyofflorida #bermudatriangle #Florida #mogul #Miami #kfc #nbc
#AEWDark on the #AllEliteWrestling #Youtube page this evening and on demand anytime
The #BermudaTriangle: Into Cursed Waters on #HistoryChannel
#WWENXT live on #USANetwork
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#usanetwork #WWENXT #historychannel #bermudatriangle #YouTube #allelitewrestling #aewdark
#AEWDark on the #AllEliteWrestling #Youtube page this evening and on demand anytime
The #BermudaTriangle: Into Cursed Waters on #HistoryChannel
#WWENXT live on #USANetwork
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#usanetwork #WWENXT #historychannel #bermudatriangle #YouTube #allelitewrestling #aewdark
#AEWDark on the #AllEliteWrestling #Youtube page this evening and on demand anytime
The #BermudaTriangle: Into Cursed Waters on #HistoryChannel
The #NineLivesofVinceMcMahon (#SeriesPremiere) on #ViceTV
#WWENXT live on #USANetwork
The #TonightShow with #JimmyFallon on #NBC #FallonTonight
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#fallontonight #nbc #JimmyFallon #tonightshow #usanetwork #WWENXT #vicetv #seriespremiere #ninelivesofvincemcmahon #historychannel #bermudatriangle #YouTube #allelitewrestling #aewdark
#AEWDark on the #AllEliteWrestling #Youtube page this evening and on demand anytime
#PressYourLuck (#SeasonPremiere) on #ABC
The #BermudaTriangle: Into Cursed Waters on #HistoryChannel
#TalesfromtheTerritories on #ViceTV
#WWENXT live on #USANetwork
The #TonightShow with #JimmyFallon on #NBC #FallonTonight
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#fallontonight #nbc #JimmyFallon #tonightshow #usanetwork #WWENXT #vicetv #talesfromtheterritories #historychannel #bermudatriangle #abc #seasonpremiere #pressyourluck #YouTube #allelitewrestling #aewdark
The Bermuda Triangle of screen design. Who has gone there already? #uidesign #userinterface #design #templates #bermudatriangle #qualityassurance #qualitymanagement
#uidesign #userinterface #design #templates #bermudatriangle #qualityassurance #qualitymanagement