Bernard the arcane construct is precious and I would die for him! I wish I could take him with us!!
Veřejně raději uvádím, že jsem se musel schovat do hospody před velkým vedrem. A pitný režim je potřeba dodržovat!
#toscajesenik #tosca #bernardsvestka #bernard #instagram
#toscajesenik #tosca #bernardsvestka #bernard #instagram
Die #Zutat einer #hawelkanischen #Nacht sei #Geschichtenerzählen, #Selbstbetrug, #Erinnerungssüchtigkeit, #Kritisieren und sich #Stilisieren gewesen.
#Café als #Heimatort der #Schriftsteller in #Wien;
#SZ, 18.08.23, S.11, #Feuilleton, Andreas #Bernard - Auf dem Buchtelolymp
#zutat #hawelka #nacht #geschichtenerzahlen #selbstbetrug #erinnerungssuchtigkeit #kritisieren #stilisieren #cafe #Heimatort #Schriftsteller #wien #sz #feuilleton #bernard
Kotaku: First Big Baldur’s Gate 3 Update Fixes Dick Clipping, Missing Underwear, And More #gaming #tech #kotaku #systemadministration #softwaremaintenance #softwarerelease #fortunodibbs #debugging #fistrowan #florrick #bernard #larian #hotfix #lorin #liam #voss #gale #shar #vez #rpg
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #SystemAdministration #softwaremaintenance #softwarerelease #fortunodibbs #debugging #fistrowan #florrick #bernard #larian #hotfix #lorin #liam #voss #gale #shar #vez #rpg
l'intégration à une structure inquiète Bruno #Bernard
(O&L :
#Historiek meldt een #weetje over de #broodprijs
Drie vrouwen #bediscussiëren de prijs van het #brood, volgens de lezing van #fotograaf #Bernard #Eilers. Het is ergens tussen 1907 en 1914. De vrouw rechts heeft een brood in haar arm. De foto is genomen in #Amsterdam op het #Oudekerksplein.
#historiek #weetje #broodprijs #bediscussieren #brood #fotograaf #bernard #eilers #amsterdam #oudekerksplein
You know you're just waiting for Holly Holliday and Bernard from Glee to kiss. Don't even bother denying it. #Glee #Gleek #Gleeks #HollyHolliday #GwynethPaltrow #Bernard #JDPhillips
#glee #gleek #gleeks #hollyholliday #gwynethpaltrow #bernard #jdphillips
I have written an article titled “Defining the Most Generalized, Natural Extension of the Expected Value”. The keywords are #Prevalence, #Expected Value, #Uniform Measure, #Measure theory, #Uniform Cover, #Entropy, #Sample, #Linear, #Superlinear, #Choice Function, #Bernard's Paradox, #Pseudo-random
Note that I’m an undergrad (the paper I’ve written might not be rigorous and is far from perfect); however, I did the best I could.
Be sure to click this link:
#pseudo #bernard #choice #superlinear #linear #sample #entropy #measure #uniform #expected #prevalence
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #CerysMatthews
Bernard “Pretty” Purdie:
🎵 Heavy Soul Slinger
#nowplaying #bbc6music #CerysMatthews #bernard
Tumbling monkeys, intestines and hot breath! What can it all mean?It’s time for in part 2 of their campaign with and #Bernard , as more chaos and fun
ensues in this hilarious episode💜
Day 7: Age Difference
Desperate times call for desperate measures and Craig knows exactly what buttons to push to get bernard going.
#craigofthecreek #cotc #shota #briefs #bernard #blackout23
2011 FCI東京インターナショナルドッグショー セント・バーナード ST BERNARD
#2011 #bernard #dog #FCI東京インターナショナルドッグショー #Inu #ST #セント・バーナード
#セント・バーナード #st #inu #fci東京インターナショナルドッグショー #dog #bernard
Polish scientist #MaciejWalczak, detained in #Iran for 15 months, released in December
But concerns for Irish-French nat'l #Bernard Phelan, 64, seized in Oct. and going w/o food and medicine
#maciejwalczak #Iran #bernard #iranprotests2023
Polish scientist #MaciejWalczak, detained in #Iran for 15 months, released in December
But concerns for Irish-French nat'l #Bernard Phelan, 64, seized in Oct. and going w/o food and medicine
#maciejwalczak #iran #bernard #iranprotests2023
@donmelton @Verso Okay, regarding #Westworld #S03's season finale... #Bernard: WTAH?
When he wakes up, he's there LONG ENOUGH to gather dust on himself - and the motel company hasn't come to find out why they haven't paid???
I know, I know... Season 3 and all that... don't look too deep. But JEEZ!
Okay, I missed something in #Westworld #S03!
Wasn't the town with the church buried? When #Bernard pays the Chinese fisherman to take him back to #Westworld, the scene cuts to him walking up to and through the church cemetery (and the church and parts of the steeple look burnt).
BUT wasn't the church and cemetery buried? Thus locking-in-time when the Hosts searching for the Maze happened?
Maybe I missed the show "unburying it" after that.
@donmelton WHOA! Watching #Westworld #S03 (this one is a SLOG to get through!) and What do ya' know, #Charlotte's husband is referring to her as #Charlie (in the ep where DeHale comes to her house to find her separated husband in the house with Nathan). Bet you and @Verso just squealed!
BTW: Ironic that we see him calling #DeHale (someone who isn't #Charlotte) by the name we all hoped would be the connection to #Bernard: "#Charlie".
#westworld #s03 #charlotte #charlie #dehale #bernard
Elon Musk n’est plus l’homme le plus riche du monde, il vient d’être doublé par un Français
#Bernard merci macron.
En France, contrairement aux mensonges répandues les héritiers paient peut ou pô de taxes, et l’héritage accentue les inégalités. Les économistes parlent même de la France comme d'une “société d’héritiers”, tendance qui ne cesse de s’accentuer. Face à ce constat, que faut-il faire avec l’héritage (de #Bernard) ? Faut-il l'abolir ? Le réformer ? Le redistribuer ? Ou assumer notre modèle de société fait par et pour les privilégiés ?
Salomé Saqué 👩🏫 offre des 🔑 pour Blast.