#cinemaarts #movies #frenchcinema #frenchmovies #themaninthebasement #philippeleguay wonderful evening of cinema here in Huntington a lot of #hitchcock #bernardhermann nods. #supportlocalcinema
#cinemaarts #movies #frenchcinema #frenchmovies #themaninthebasement #philippeleguay #hitchcock #bernardhermann #supportlocalcinema
Ce que le génial #BernardHermann pouvait composer entre Vertiet Psycho pour un simple programme tv :
NYJ, born the year that a rock 'n' roll record first made the pop charts, I'm a tax-and-spend bleeding heart limousine liberal and proud of it. #MitchCohen #LairdCregar #MiriamHopkins #KayFrancis #TroubleInParadise #DesignForLiving #310ToYuma #PereUbu #TheSuburbs #LoveIsTheLaw #AnythingAnything #PabloPicasso #HenriMatisse #RalphFleck #WilliamKlein #MassimoVignelli #BernardHermann #EnnioMorricone #TheHiddenFortress #BertLahr #EdWynn #WCFields #PennandTeller #FlyingKaramazovs #UncleVanya #Jumpers
#jumpers #UncleVanya #flyingkaramazovs #pennandteller #wcfields #edwynn #bertlahr #thehiddenfortress #enniomorricone #bernardhermann #massimovignelli #WilliamKlein #ralphfleck #HenriMatisse #pablopicasso #anythinganything #loveisthelaw #thesuburbs #PereUbu #310toyuma #designforliving #troubleinparadise #kayfrancis #miriamhopkins #lairdcregar #mitchcohen