50 years ago:
The Burned Barns (FR,IT)
Original title: Les Granges brûlées
The body of a young woman is discovered near a farm. The judge, Larcher is in charge and thinks that the farmers have something to do with the murder.
#TheBurnedBarns #AlainDelon #SimoneSignoret #BernardLeCoq #HélènePlemiannikov #WomenInFilm #Film
#theburnedbarns #alaindelon #simonesignoret #bernardlecoq #heleneplemiannikov #womeninfilm #film
40 years ago:
Tout le monde peut se tromper (FR)
A young woman, employed in a jewelry store, decides to take advantage of the heist she witnesses. She shoots down one of the burglars; the other will pursue her.
#Toutlemondepeutsetromper #BernardLeCoq #ChristopheBourseiller #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#toutlemondepeutsetromper #bernardlecoq #christophebourseiller #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film