Kann es sein dass es vielen sehr wohlhabenden Menschen zugute kommt wenn sich einfache Menschen ob ihrer Unterschiede (Geschlecht, Hautfarbe, Herkunft, Glaube) streiten? Ich denke ja. #bernays #helms #zuckerberg
#Bernays, Neffe von #Freud? befreite doch die #Frauen in #NY, endlich ohne schlechtes Gewissen in der Öffentlichkeit zu rauchen. Verdoppelte den Umsatz der #Zigaretten-#Industrie. Die Folgen in #Krebs, #Krankheit und #Sucht wirken in der #Lobby bis heute.
#bernays #Freud #frauen #NY #Zigaretten #industrie #krebs #krankheit #sucht #lobby
Il padre della propaganda: Edward Bernays.
“L’individuo opera le sue scelte mosso da impulsi irrazionali e incontrollati. E’ compito di una minoranza di persone elette guidarlo “come un gregge di pecore va guidato”.
Annoverato dall’autorevole rivista americana Life tra i 100 uomini più poten...
#13Dicembre #Economia #Libri #Bernays #èlite
#elite #bernays #libri #economia #13dicembre
@GODan @freemo Oh my! Yes #propaganda blame #Bernays he was instrumental in using early psychology in his advertising because he had an uncle named Freud. #lippmann insisted in "Public Opinion" "The citizen will pay for his telephone, his railroad rides, his motor car,
his entertainment. But he does not pay openly for his news.
He will, however, pay handsomely for the privilege of having someone read about him. He will pay to advertise." - Walter Lippmann that's about 100 years ago. It's obvious that on paid #socialmedia we are not the customer we are the product.
Anyway yes hashtags are key here since Mastodon does not search through toots without.
#propaganda #bernays #lippmann #socialmedia
This is why we fall (sale, marketing, etc.) its innate human nature. Edward Bernays, was the nephew of Sigmund Freud.
#marketing #bernays #psychology #humannature #selfimprovement
#selfimprovement #humannature #psychology #bernays #marketing
Props to @AlexJones
The Creation Of MSM
#MSM #MockingbirdMedia #cia #exposed #CNN #ExposeCNN #news #infowars #alexjones #edwardbernays #bernays
#bernays #edwardbernays #alexjones #infowars #news #ExposeCNN #CNN #exposed #cia #MockingbirdMedia #MSM
> #EdwardBernays, publicitaire de lui-même
> le publicitaire #américain #EdwardBernays a suscité l’essor d’un #mythe : celui d’un propagandiste d’entreprise tout-puissant, capable d’induire des changements de société et de retourner l’#opinion au moyen de la #publicité.
> […] Mais l’#industrie des #RelationsPubliques n’a eu besoin ni de #Bernays, ni de #Lee, ni d’aucune personnalité particulière pour éclore. Elle a commencé à se structurer dès le milieu du XIXe
#lee #bernays #relationspubliques #industrie #publicité #opinion #mythe #américain #EdwardBernays #histoire
NATIVE AD FOR 5:00? funding running low?
#cvs #covid #nativead #bernays #expertclass
#cvs #covid #bernays #expertclass #nativead
#Hörtipp: Interessantes Feature des @DLF zu Edward #Bernays, der als "Vater der #Propaganda" gilt": https://www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de/wie-edward-bernays-massen-manipulierte-der-vater-der.3720.de.html?dram:article_id=489754
#podcast #propaganda #bernays #hörtipp
Elo Veut Savoir - La #Désinformation Médiatique
#complotisme #manipulation #médias #sourdnalisme #propagande #Bernays #Covid19 #coronavirus #médias #cinéma #ÉtatsUnis #infantilisation
#désinformation #complotisme #manipulation #médias #sourdnalisme #propagande #bernays #covid19 #coronavirus #cinéma #étatsunis #infantilisation
A skinny, black-clad, he/she antifa child with a can of spray paint putting “BLM” on Starbucks’ walls is just like an advertiser putting up KOOL billboards all over poor, black peoples’ neighborhoods. #PublicRelations #Branding #Bernays #TorchesOfFreedom
#publicrelations #branding #bernays #TorchesOfFreedom
#PublicRelations #Branding #Bernays #TorchesOfFreedom #Propaganda #ChildSoldiers #ExploitedKids #Liars
RT @davidhogg111
My grandpa was part of the Antifa forces in WWII sad Donald Trump has labeled him and his fellow vets as terrorists.
#publicrelations #branding #bernays #TorchesOfFreedom #propaganda #childsoldiers #ExploitedKids #liars
Fabrication de l'opinion
" Information biaisée ou fausse, manipulation, désinformation, propagande ne sont malheureusement pas choses nouvelles.
Un petit retour dans l'histoire, pas si ancienne..."
#opinion #psychanalyse #consentement #bernays #Chomsky
#opinion #psychanalyse #consentement #bernays #chomsky
Comment manipuler l'opinion en démocratie
#manipulation #démocratie #bernays #propagande