#FarmersForBernie #BernieInIowa #NotMeUs #GND
#BigAg "Despite the billions in farm aid, 595 family farms declared bankruptcy in 2019, up nearly 100 filings from 2018 and the highest count since 2011" #farmers GA, IA, IL, KS, MN, NE, NH, OH, SC, SD and WI
#farmers #bigag #gnd #notmeus #bernieiniowa #farmersforbernie
#FarmersForBernie #BernieInIowa #BernieCaresAboutYOU #NotMeUs #BigUs
RT @WoobieTuesday@twitter.com
“[Bernie] has the best rural policy, the best ag policy. He has the best healthcare policy. I just believe in the Green New Deal. I believe it’s the best deal since the New Deal to reestablish family farm agriculture. I really want it.” Chris Petersen, IA
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/WoobieTuesday/status/1223858849699860481
#BigUs #notmeus #BernieCaresAboutYOU #bernieiniowa #farmersforbernie
#FarmersForBernie #BernieInIowa #MedicareForAll #GreenNewDeal #NotMeUs
RT @ReutersIndia@twitter.com
WATCH: Iowan Chris Petersen plans to vote blue on Monday, believing Senator Bernie Sanders is the best hope to save family farms like his https://reut.rs/2RvIHsC
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ReutersIndia/status/1223851038270246912
#notmeus #greennewdeal #MedicareForAll #bernieiniowa #farmersforbernie
LIVE Now! #Bernie2020 #BernieInIowa #Waterloo
RT @BernieSanders@twitter.com
We will guarantee every American the right to a secure retirement and expand and improve Medicare to include dental, hearing and vision care. Join our town hall in Waterloo, Iowa: https://www.pscp.tv/w/cI8bozMyNzU3OTl8MVlwSmtZcXdWQVBLakDOPo-OA_Gg5JhLngABz-EIa5IY662J3wgtUk99F_EL
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BernieSanders/status/1191068002805878785
#waterloo #bernieiniowa #Bernie2020
Des Moines showin' #solidarity with #BernieInIowa no matter how cold it is! 🔥🔥🔥
The PEOPLE are with #Bernie2020 and #HesWithUS
#NoMiddleGround #NotMeUs
Often imitated, never duplicated.
Accept no substitutes
#BernieOrBust 🔥🔥🔥🔥
RT @lancnick@twitter.com
.@BernieSanders@twitter.com leading the March Against Corporate Greed tonight in Des Moines.
#bernieorbust #onlyberniebeatstrump #notmeus #nomiddleground #heswithus #Bernie2020 #bernieiniowa #Solidarity