Was haben wir uns im Proberaum die Finger verbogen, es hat immer wieder geleiert, nicht gegroovt… 😩
#BernieMarsden 🖤 https://open.spotify.com/track/6qcDdOa9NxMxqWAUh5mIhN?si=3ukwSfknQqWfKp4v4jc33g
RIP Bernie Marsden
I saw Whitesnake a couple of times. first time at the Hammy Odeon in 1981 I wasn't a huge fan but it was a way to see three members of Deep Purple on stage. I remember the gig fondly and remember being more taken by the non Deep Purple folk (Moody and Marsden) because … guitars! #rip #berniemarsden #nowplaying #whitesnake #livealbum #nowplaying
#livealbum #whitesnake #nowplaying #berniemarsden #rip
Morning all, a couple of #Whitesnake releases this morning in memory of #BernieMarsden
Bernie Marsden. A gentleman, a hugely talented songwriter, guitarist, and singer. A great loss. May he continue his journey in love and light.
#rip #berniemarsden #whitesnake #paiceashtonlord
Sorry to see that #BernieMarsden died. He seems to have been a nice guy, and (with Micky Moody) was part of the musical heart of #Whitesnake back when it was a blues/pop band - before #Coverdale hit it big.
#coverdale #whitesnake #berniemarsden
Man borde ju ha vant sig vid att folk, som jobbat med band vars storhetstider man upplevt, går bort vid mogna åldrar. Borde man ju. #berniemarsden
R.I.P legendary Whitesnake guitarist Bernie Marsden
#rip #whitesnake #guitarplayer #guitarlegend #berniemarsden
Late 70s mood.
#Whitesnake #Trouble
#Rainbow #RitchieBlackmoresRainbow #Rising
#HardRock #DeepPurple #DavidCoverdale #JonLord #BernieMarsden #NeilMurray #DaveDowle #RitchieBlackmore #RonnieJamesDio #CozyPowell #JimmyBain #TonyCarey
#whitesnake #trouble #Rainbow #ritchieblackmoresrainbow #rising #hardrock #deeppurple #davidcoverdale #jonlord #berniemarsden #neilmurray #davedowle #ritchieblackmore #ronniejamesdio #cozypowell #jimmybain #tonycarey
You better run!
#whitesnake #ClassicWhitesnake #LiveInTheHeartOfTheCity #LiveAtHammersmith #DavidCoverdale #IanPaice #JonLord #BernieMarsden #MickyMoody #NeilMurray #DaveDowle #DeepPurple #Vinyl
#whitesnake #classicwhitesnake #liveathammersmith #davidcoverdale #ianpaice #jonlord #berniemarsden #mickymoody #neilmurray #davedowle #deeppurple #vinyl #liveintheheartofthecity
Riff de #BernieMarsden en el directo ”Live…in the Heart of the City” de #Whitesnake lanzado #TalDíaComoHoy de 1980 https://riffstory.com/tag/aint-no-love-in-the-heart-of-the-city/
Riffs de #TomMorello en el álbum homónimo de debut de #RageAgainstTheMachine publicado el 3 de noviembre de 1992: https://riffstory.com/tag/album-rage-against-the-machine/
#berniemarsden #whitesnake #taldíacomohoy #tommorello #rageagainstthemachine