RT @ElkGrove4Bernie@twitter.com
We only need 79 more followers to hit 2k!!! Can you help us get there today???
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ElkGrove4Bernie/status/1207012843050033152
RT @cdbrzezinski@twitter.com
@PepperOceanna@twitter.com 👍 #Bernie #BernieSanders2020 #NotMeUs #BernieYellsForUs
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/cdbrzezinski/status/1202236725696901121
#berniesgreennewdeal #bernieyellsforus #notmeus #berniesanders2020 #bernie
#Bernie2020 #StillBernin #StillSanders #BernieIsBack
#FightFor15 #BernieYellsForUs #BernieOrBust
RT @fightfor15@twitter.com
For America’s working poor, an often essential ingredient for getting and keeping a job – having a car – has rarely been more costly
#FightFor15 https://www.reuters.com/article/us-autos-usa-used-analysis-idUSKBN1WQ1AP
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/fightfor15/status/1183517890269630466
#bernieorbust #bernieyellsforus #fightfor15 #BernieIsBack #stillsanders #stillbernin #Bernie2020
#GM Backs Down On Cutting Off #Healthcare For Its #GMStrike Workers. They can just as easily take it away again. THIS is why our healthcare should NOT be tied to employment.
#Bernie2020 #MedicareForAll #UnionStrong
#NoMiddleGround #BernieYellsForUs #M4A
#m4a #bernieyellsforus #nomiddleground #unionstrong #MedicareForAll #Bernie2020 #gmstrike #healthcare #gm