These were so easy, it's a little embarrassing. Self-raising flour, butter (the #BeRo book believes very strongly in marg, but I do not, I'm afraid. Butter all the way) and "enough milk to make a soft dough".
I'm not usually a fan of "add a bit and see how you feel" in a recipe, and generally, this book wouldn't do such a thing to me, but I bit the bullet, and made it slightly too sticky, and coated the outside in flour, and I seem to have gotten away with it.
OK, so, I didn't ABANDON the Cook Through The #BeRo Book Project, I just paused it for Christmas. 145 days ago.
Anyway, onwards and upwards. We're back in the saddle, today, with Plain Scones.
Amy Winehouse, Back to Black, by Bero @_bero_art in Paris 13th, rue Barrault / rue Alphand, Butte aux Cailles, Ⓜ️ Corvisart
#fredob_beroart #bero #beroart #amywinehouse #backtoblack #butteauxcaillesstreetart #ruealphand #streetartparis13
#fredob_beroart #bero #beroart #amywinehouse #backtoblack #butteauxcaillesstreetart #ruealphand #streetartparis13 So, it turns out that weekly baking was wildly optimistic, but here we are, a mere twenty days on, and it's time for #BeRo #CheeseScones!
I swear, I tried. The rich scones from last time were very sticky, so this time I tried really hard to buy the bare minimum of liquid in, but this time, I feel like I should have used all of it, and just brushed the tops with milk from elsewhere.
The nun by Bero @_bero_art in Paris 13th, @spot__13 , allée Paris-Ivry, 🚈 Avenue de France Ⓜ️ Bibliothèque François Mitterrand
#fredob_beroart #bero #streetartparis13 #spot13 #alleeparisivry #streetartparis #arteurbano #nun
#fredob_beroart #bero #streetartparis13 #spot13 #alleeparisivry #streetartparis #arteurbano #nun
Madonna by Bero @_bero_art , based on a photo by Richard Corman @richardcorman (Madonna NYC 83), in Paris 20th, rue de Savies near rue des Cascades, Ⓜ️ Pyrénées or Jourdain
#fredob_beroart #bero #madonna #beroart #whoisthatgirl #streetartparis20 #ruedesavies #ruedescascades #richardcorman
#fredob_beroart #bero #madonna #beroart #whoisthatgirl #streetartparis20 #ruedesavies #ruedescascades #richardcorman