> ... global elites continue to pursue strategies that will only amplify climate change, ensuring that, in the years to come, humanity will slide ever closer to worldwide collapse.
[1933] (about)
> well-to-do people, though less numerous than they are now, were certainly more civilised... The rich would think it beneath their dignity to have such knowledge, and ignorance has become the hallmark of social eminence.
- https://russell-j.com/MEDITATE.HTM
#MichaelKlare and #BertrandRussel #Elites
#elites #bertrandrussel #MichaelKlare
Like Russel, Lewis Mumford saw 1914 marking a great loss too:
> Only those who remember the world before 1914 can adequately realize how much has already been lost...
> Bit by bit, and step by step, the world has been marching toward the realization of Orwell's nightmares; but because the march has been gradual, people have not realized how far it has taken them on this fatal road.
#RusselOnOrwell #BertrandRussel #GeorgeOrwell #NineteenEightyFour #NinetennFourteen
#ninetennfourteen #nineteeneightyfour #georgeorwell #bertrandrussel #russelonorwell
> > In education, their crime was that they were not actuated by love of their pupils, but by ulterior ends.
> 教育における彼らの'罪'は,彼らは'生徒に対する愛'によってではなく,'それ以外の隠された目的'によって駆り立てられた(動かされた)ということである。
#BertrandRussel #OnEducation #CrimeInEducation #LoveOfPupils #UlteriorEnds #Education
#education #ulteriorends #loveofpupils #crimeineducation #oneducation #bertrandrussel
> .. ignorance has become the hallmark of social eminence.
> ... 無知は社会的地位の高さの'品質証明マーク'となっている。
> A problem such as the prevention of war, the urgency of which is obvious to every one, is dismissed with a shrug.. [but] without the aid of human thought. But circumstances, unaided, are not likely to be so kind.
> 戦争防止のような問題は,その緊急性は誰にも明らかであるが,くよくよ考えなくても状況の変化で何とか... だが,成り行きにまかせているだけで事態が好転するほど,状況は甘くない。
#BertrandRussel on #Meditation in 1931 people were too busy.. #黙想の衰退 #黙想
#黙想 #黙想の衰退 #meditation #bertrandrussel
> Mr. Haldane.. an attractive picture of the future as it f may become through the use of scientific discoveries to promote human happiness... I should like to agree.. [but] a long experience of statesmen and governments has made me... sceptical. I... fear that science will be used to promote the power of dominant groups, rather than to make men happy. #Icarus, having been taught to fly by his father #Daedalus, was destroyed
#BertrandRussel on #TechProgress #Haldane
#haldane #techprogress #bertrandrussel #daedalus #icarus
> To point to this [premature synthesis, "rage to conclude" or profit] ruthlessly wherever it is perceived, regardless of possible inconsistencies or disappointed ideals, must be the task of disinterested inquirers in any period of history.
Sounds like he's talking about today's tech and what we should be doing. #Russel #BertrandRussel and #DoraRussel
#DoraRussel #bertrandrussel #russel
> We concluded, as some writers in Germany and Czechoslovakia have also concluded, that the important fact of the present time is not the struggle between #capitalism and #socialism but the struggle between industrial civilization and #humanity...This view was reinforced.. by the extreme similarity between the #Bolshevik #commissary and the #American #TrustMagnate [#Capitalist]...
#BertrandRussel and #DoraRussel in _Prospects For #IndustrialCivilization in 1924
#capitalist #industrialcivilization #DoraRussel #bertrandrussel #trustmagnate #american #commissary #bolshevik #humanity #socialism #capitalism
> Boredom as a factor in human behaviour has received, in my opinion, far less attention than it deserves. It has been, I believe, one of the great motive powers throughout the historical epoch, and is so at the present day more than ever.
#BertrandRussel on #Boredom in the #ConquestOfHappiness
#ConquestOfHappiness #boredom #bertrandrussel
I bet #JeffSchmidt's book #DisciplinedMinds on graduate school and #professionals probably offers a lot that is useful for thinking about why there is so much bullshit and why people put up with it. It's probably a status thing, and a money thing. I'll have to find my copy soon.. In the meantime here's #BertrandRussel in 1931:
> The rich would think it beneath their dignity to have such #knowledge, and #ignorance has become the hallmark of social eminence.
#ignorance #knowledge #bertrandrussel #professionals #DisciplinedMinds #JeffSchmidt
> ... Somebody suggested that the important thing is the proportion of the weight of the brain to the weight of the body. But this had a disastrous result : it seemed to show that women were, on the whole, cleverer than men. This would never do.
#1932 #BertrandRussel #Scientific #Scientists on #Science #Gender #Bias
#bias #gender #science #scientists #scientific #bertrandrussel
> A problem such as the prevention of war, the urgency of which is obvious to every one, is dismissed with a shrug of the shoulders in the hope that circumstances will solve it without the aid of human thought. But circumstances, unaided, are not likely to be so kind.
> In the modern world there is hardly any leisure, not because men work harder than they did, but because their pleasures have become as strenuous as their work...
#War #BertrandRussel #Meditation
#meditation #bertrandrussel #war
> The only people left with positive opinions are those who are too stupid to know when their opinions are absurd. Consequently the world is ruled by fools, and the intelligent count for nothing in the councils of the nations.
> This state of affairs, if it continues, must plunge the world more and more deeply into misfortune.
#ModernUncertainaty #1932 !!
Read PaulGoodman from the 60s, and here #BertrandRussel in the 30's and, it's a wonder that we've survived this long!
#bertrandrussel #ModernUncertainaty
Whenever someone mentions the #USAelections I think of #POCLAD and this 1933 article by #BertrandRussel and corporations:
> ... they cannot be kept in their place at ordinary times unless, as a result of a pitched battle, they have been shorn of most of their means of influencing opinion. Whether this is possible while they retain their property is a difficult question
#PrivateEnterprise #Economics #Law
#law #economics #PrivateEnterprise #bertrandrussel #Poclad #USAelections
"The secret of happiness is this: Let your interests be as wide as possible, and let your reactions to the things and persons that interest you be as far as possible friendly rather than hostile. The world is vast and our own powers are limited..." #BertrandRussel #OnHappiness #幸福論
#幸福論 #OnHappiness #bertrandrussel
Not finished Naomi Klein's This Changes Everything or Kohei Saito's 人新世の資本論 but got wrapped up in #EnoughIsEnough. It keeps making me think of earlier work by #MichaelAlbert with #ParEcon #ParticipatoryEconomics, and even earlier writings by #BertrandRussel, #MortalsAndOthers. Back in 1933 we knew economists were morons:
"Economists were driven to abandon this.. ground by the indignation of the #GeneralPublic. "
but then we forgot and in 2011 students protest #Mankiw?
#Mankiw #GeneralPublic #MortalsAndOthers #bertrandrussel #participatoryeconomics #parecon #MichaelAlbert #enoughisenough
> A hundred years ago the rich arrived at the possession of a certain amount of education and culture, without which they could not be respected. Nowadays education and culture are becoming more and more confined to teachers and professors, who are despised for being poor. The level of the rich in this respect has therefore very greatly deteriorated in recent times.
#BertrandRussel on #TheRich #TheStupidRich in 1931! 100 Years is #Enough! YaBasta! 200 Years is Enough
#enough #TheStupidRich #therich #bertrandrussel
#BertrandRussel was an aristocrat, but like Kropotkin, he gave it up? This about smiling ties in with #OnEducation's gardens.
> I have not known many murderers, but those that I have known were somewhat addicted to smiling, so perhaps Hamlet's uncle was merely illustrating a general rule.. even if all murderers smile, it must not be inferred that all who smile are murderers. The world is gloomy enough already, and there is no need to employ bad logic to make it worse.
> Why is common sense wrong about public expenditure, when it would be right if only an individual were concerned?
> なぜ,個人の場合でさえあれば正しい常識が,公共支出の場合には誤りになるのだろうか?
#BertrandRussel on #PublicSpending in 1932 essay among #MortalsAndOthers #和訳 #日本語 #翻訳
#翻訳 #日本語 #和訳 #MortalsAndOthers #PublicSpending #bertrandrussel
> 1. Do not feel absolutely certain of anything
> 3. Never try to discourage thinking for you are sure to succeed
> 5. Have no respect for the authority of others, for there are always contrary authorities to be found
> 9. Be scrupulously truthful, even if the truth is inconvenient, for it is more inconvenient when you try to conceal it
> 9.たとえ真実が不都合なものであったとしても,どこまでも良心的に真実であるべきである。なぜなら,もしあなたが本当のことをかくそうとすると,もっと都合が悪いことになるからである
#TenCommandments #BertrandRussel #十戒 #十誡 #戒律
#戒律 #十誡 #十戒 #bertrandrussel #tencommandments
> "A certain power of enduring boredom is therefore essential to a happy life, and is one of the things that ought to be taught to the young" ... the great childhood joy and developmental achievement of learning to “do nothing with nobody all alone by yourself,” a testament to #Kierkegaard’s insistence that “the more a person limits himself, the more resourceful he becomes.” ..
#BertrandRussel quoted with others by #TheMarginalian's #MariaPopova
#mariapopova #TheMarginalian #bertrandrussel #kierkegaard