Slightly concerned this TV advert appears to be selling our children a Junior version of Rover from The Prisoner. #BeSeeingYou
Feels like they're #johnlecarre and we're #ianfleming, that #Putin has been working as #Karla for two decades and we've had that succession of #NumberTwo's from #TheVillage that screw up and are never seen again. #BeSeeingYou
#beseeingyou #thevillage #numbertwo #karla #putin #ianfleming #johnlecarre
Probably the 4th time I’ve seen Fall Out, still nuts. But worth it for the very end and the cyclic nature of it. #thePrisoner #beSeeingYou #Number6
#theprisoner #beseeingyou #number6
I have discovered #theprisoner stuff on etsy. A case of #beseeingyou to my Christmas savings....
Questions are a burden to others; answers are a prison for oneself.
I will not take a number, I am a free man
Spending the afternoon with teenage daughter watching #theprisoner and she loves it. Not bad for a series from over 50 years ago.
@BigSkyRider most of them are already jacked in
if unencrypted, everything you do on your phone and computer is logged and profiled
During those containment days, it's a very nice time to watch (again): The prisoner 5the old one obviously, not the remake...)
#BeSeeingYou #IAmNotANumber