Esta tarde, pelas 18h, a Ana Cristina Martins vai-nos proporcionar uma aula aberta, com Angélica Varandas (University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies), acerca dos bestiários medievais.
A aula integra-se na disciplina de História da Arqueologia em Portugal, que lecciona na Universidade de Évora.
#histodons #openclass #bestiaries #historyofarchaeology
My husband and I have been having weekly #Lego nights and I recently made this pigeon following a design in a book. I didn’t have the right colours, though, so it ended up like this. But did you know that in #medieval #bestiaries doves came in many different colours, each symbolizing something different? My favourite is the black dove who represented obscure sermons. #medievodons
#lego #medieval #bestiaries #medievodons