There will be 8 Democratic Women serving as Governors as well as @iamwesmoore & @JoshShapiroPA flipping MD & PA blue
Thank you to all especially GenZ who stood up for democracy & sent #GOPFascists packing
#democratsdeliveredin22 #GOPfascists #bestimagesof2022
@POTUS signing the PACT Act which will help provide generations of Veterans & their survivors—with the care and benefits they’ve earned and deserve
#DemsDeliver #bestimagesof2022
Our most fervent wish for 2023 is for MSM to finally WAKE UP & remember their essential role as guardians of Democracy
Stop the false-equivalencies
Stop the both-sides do it lies
Stand up to their GOP owners & reclaim the Fourth Estate
#freedomofthepress #bestimagesof2022
Welcoming Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court following in the great footsteps of Sandra Day O’Connor, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Elena Kagan & Sonia Sotomayor*
They are fighting the #SupremeCourtStench of the 5 ChristoFascists dismantling our Constitution 1 ruling at a time
*not pictured #OfJesse
#ofjesse #supremecourtstench #bestimagesof2022
As we wait to see how truly awful & ridiculous @HouseGOP will act in 23-24, a reminder of what their #1 Priority will be:
Doing absolutely NOTHING to benefit the American people!
Almost 1 year ago my meme partner @n2play & I created this to explain how deep & wide #TrumpsCoup to overthrow democracy was
The #J6Committee has uncovered the massive evidence to support it
(We did miss the hiding of Top Secret & Classified documents)
DOJ must #IndictTrumpAndHisAccomplices
#indicttrumpandhisaccomplices #j6committee #trumpscoup #bestimagesof2022