Get off to WHAT?!
Premieres TODAY! 7 PM EST
#buddyshotz #buddyshotzpodcast #featurepresentation #howlsmovingcastle #weirdwatches #futureboyconan #studioghibli #ghibli #hayaomiyazaki #anime #adventure #magic #ghiblimovies #bestmovie #podcast #podcastnetwork #podcastcommunity #podcasting #moviepodcast #moviepodcastweekly #moviepodcastnetwork
Happy Studio Ghibli Monday!
#buddyshotz #buddyshotzpodcast #featurepresentation #howlsmovingcastle #weirdwatches #futureboyconan #studioghibli #ghibli #hayaomiyazaki #anime #adventure #magic #ghiblimovies #bestmovie #podcast #podcastnetwork #podcastcommunity #podcasting #moviepodcast #moviepodcastweekly #moviepodcastnetwork
This Tuesday on the Podcast....
#buddyshotz #buddyshotzpodcast #howlsmovingcastle #futureboyconan #studioghibli #ghibli #hayaomiyazaki #anime #adventure #magic #ghiblimovies #bestmovie #podcast
Buddy Shotz 127 - Studio Ghibli Week
How's Moving Castle & Future Boy Conan
A heart’s a heavy burden
Buddy Shotz Podcast on YouTube
Premieres 7/11 Tuesday 7 PM EST
#buddyshotz #buddyshotzpodcast #featurepresentation #howlsmovingcastle #weirdwatches #futureboyconan #studioghibli #ghibli #hayaomiyazaki #anime #adventure #magic #ghiblimovies #bestmovie #podcast #podcastnetwork #podcastcommunity #podcasting #moviepodcast #moviepodcastweekly #moviepodcastnetwork
Film-Empfehlung zum Wochenende 🍿 🎥
Für mich mit Abstand einer der besten und ergreifendsten Filme den ich seit Jahrzehnten gesehen habe.
„Alles eine Frage der Zeit“ von Richard Curtis
Wer ihn nicht kennt, sollte sich Ihn anschauen. Er ist ein perfekter Film mit seinen Liebsten an einem verregneten Tag am Wochenende.
#MustSee #Movie #Filmtipp #Film #cinema #Tipp #Wochenende #Weekend #Mindblowing #BestFilm #BestMovie #BestOf
#mustsee #movie #filmtipp #film #cinema #tipp #wochenende #weekend #mindblowing #bestfilm #bestmovie #bestof
National Board of review winner 2022 #bestmovie #TomCruise #TopGun #TopGunMaverick #topgunmovie
#topgunmovie #topgunmaverick #topgun #tomcruise #bestmovie
@aeva @technomancy This episode was badly written!
#startrek #bestmovie