[7 years ago today]
Jeg stoler ikke på en skiltemontør, som ikke ved, hvordan et ø skal vende #typography #TypographyInTheWild #TypeCrime #TypeCrimes #sign #signage #ø #LetterØ
[I don't trust a sign technician, who doesn't know which way the letter ø goes.]
(First posted 4 Sep. 2016 by me [@]munk_typography@instagram.com)
#typography #typographyinthewild #typecrime #typecrimes #sign #signage #o #lettero #bestofmygrams
[7 years ago today]
Kan ikke huske, hvor jeg har set det her. Luk ørerne, hvis ikke det brænder! #typography #sign #ØrenMåKunÅbnes #ITilfældeAf #ITilfældeAfBrand
[Can't remember, where I've seen this. Close your ears, if there's no fire!]
(First posted 2 Sep. 2016 by me [@]munk_typography@instagram.com)
#typography #sign #orenmakunabnes #itilfældeaf #itilfældeafbrand #bestofmygrams
[7 years ago today]
Gammeldags Ø med kort streg set i et pizzeria. #TypographyInTheWild #typography #LetterØ #ø #GørRentEfterDig
[Old school Ø with a short stroke seen in a pizzeria.]
(First posted 1 Sep. 2016 by me [@]munk_typography@instagram.com)
#typographyinthewild #typography #lettero #o #gorrentefterdig #bestofmygrams
[7 years ago today]
#Ingeborg #Larsen #IngeborgLarsen #neon #sign #NeonSign #NeonSigns #typography #TypographyInTheWild #script #cursive #Roskilde #RoskildesFacader #SignHunter #SignHunters
(First posted 31 Aug. 2016 by me [@]munk_typography@instagram.com)
#ingeborg #larsen #ingeborglarsen #neon #sign #neonsign #neonsigns #typography #typographyinthewild #script #cursive #roskilde #roskildesfacader #signhunter #signhunters #bestofmygrams
[7 years ago today]
Hook-shaped J's #typography #TypographyInTheWild #insular #InsularScript #InsularMajuscule
(First posted 31 Aug. 2016 by me [@]munk_typography@instagram.com)
#typography #typographyinthewild #insular #insularscript #insularmajuscule #bestofmygrams
[7 years ago today]
I might have bought this book purely for the LO #ligature on the front. The G, C and A are also unusual. #typography #TypographyInTheWild #book #BookCover #SecondhandBook #LookingBackward #EdwardBellamy
(First posted 30 Aug. 2016 by me [@]munk_typography@instagram.com)
#ligature #typography #typographyinthewild #book #bookcover #secondhandbook #lookingbackward #edwardbellamy #bestofmygrams
[7 years ago today]
Skrifttype eller fornærmelse? #korpus #halvfed #halbfett #semibold #brødtekst #text #typography #typografi #TypeDrawer #sættekasse
[Font or insult?]
(First posted 29 Aug. 2016 by me [@]munk_typography@instagram.com)
#Korpus #halvfed #halbfett #semibold #brodtekst #text #typography #typografi #typedrawer #sættekasse #bestofmygrams
[7 years ago today]
This font has some pretty wild overshoots on the K and y, and some notches on the arcs of n and u #TypographyInTheWild #typography #introït #kyrie #LuxAeterna #MauriceDurufle #MauriceDuruflé #Durufle #Duruflé
(First posted 29 Aug. 2016 by me [@]munk_typography@instagram.com)
#typographyinthewild #typography #introit #kyrie #luxaeterna #mauricedurufle #durufle #bestofmygrams
[7 years ago today]
A Chinese note, I found and later framed. I haven't deciphered it yet, but in the second line I see an ear and the color white. #Chinese #calligraphy #handwriting #handwritten #FoundNote
(First posted 28 Aug. 2016 by me [@]munk_typography@instagram.com)
#chinese #calligraphy #handwriting #handwritten #foundnote #bestofmygrams
[7 years ago today]
Kreativ placering af 7-tallet. #stencil #TypographyInTheWild #ligature #typography #ForskningensDøgn #Forskningens7Døgn
[Creative placement of the number 7 (i.e. inside the letter Ø).]
(First posted 28 Aug. 2016 by me [@]munk_typography@instagram.com)
#stencil #typographyinthewild #ligature #typography #forskningensdogn #forskningens7dogn #copenhagen #denmark #bestofmygrams
[7 years ago today]
Portuguese stone carving #StoneLettering #TypographyInTheWild #typography #blackletter
(First posted 27 Aug. 2016 by me [@]munk_typography@instagram.com)
#stonelettering #typographyinthewild #typography #blackletter #lisbon #lisboa #Lissabon #Portugal #bestofmygrams
[7 years ago today]
Udtryksfuld elinstallation #cute #anthropomorphic #electric #electricity #ObjectsWithFaces #ThingsWithFaces
[Expressive electrical installation]
(First posted 27 Aug. 2016 by me [@]munk_typography@instagram.com)
#cute #anthropomorphic #electric #electricity #objectswithfaces #thingswithfaces #copenhagenairport #copenhagen #cph #denmark #bestofmygrams
[7 years ago today]
A Q, I drew in pencil. A bit wonky, I know. | #typography #lettering #LetterQ #munk_typography
(First posted 27 Aug. 2016 by me [@]munk_typography@instagram.com)
#typography #lettering #letterq #munk_typography #bestofmygrams
[7 years ago today]
Biline signage at #ClayToday #ClayMuseumDK #museum #typography #TypographyInTheWild #pictogram #Realdania
(First posted 27 Aug. 2016 by me [@]munk_typography@instagram.com)
#claytoday #claymuseumdk #museum #typography #typographyinthewild #pictogram #realdania #middelfart #denmark #signage #bestofmygrams
[7 years ago today]
#graffiti #TypographyInTheWild #typography #ChristianOgCharlottePåEventyr #typograffiti
(First posted 26 Aug. 2016 by me [@]munk_typography@instagram.com)
#graffiti #typographyinthewild #typography #christianogcharlottepaeventyr #typograffiti #lisbon #Lissabon #lisboa #Portugal #bestofmygrams
[7 years ago today]
Reversed serifs in Monopoli, Italy #typography #TypographyInTheWild #TypeCrime #TypeCrimes #reverse #mirror #reversed #ReversedSerif #typesetting
(First posted 26 Aug. 2016 by me [@]munk_typography@instagram.com
#typography #typographyinthewild #typecrime #typecrimes #reverse #mirror #reversed #reversedserif #typesetting #bestofmygrams
[7 years ago today]
#SmallCaps #umlaut #Bücher #typography #TypographyInTheWild
(First posted 26 Aug. 2016 by me [@]munk_typography@instagram.com)
#Bvͤcher #CombiningEAbove #Berlin #Books #Signage #Sign #Signs
#smallcaps #umlaut #bucher #typography #typographyinthewild #bvcher #combiningeabove #Berlin #books #signage #sign #signs #bestofmygrams
[7 years ago today]
Aldrig har navnet #Troels set så godt ud. Set i Svendborg. #typographyinthewild #typography
[Never has the name Troels looked so good. Seen in #Svendborg.]
(First posted 25 Aug. 2016 by me [@]munk_typography@instagram.com)
#troels #typographyinthewild #typography #svendborg #bestofmygrams
[7 years ago today]
På herretoilettet på #KUA har nogen sørget for, at man ikke glemmer slaget ved #DybbølMølle
[In the men's room of #UCPH (#UniversityOfCopenhagen) South Campus, someone has made sure you don't forget the Battle of #Dybbøl]
(First posted 25 Aug. 2016 by me [@]munk_typography@instagram.com)
#kua #dybbolmolle #ucph #universityofcopenhagen #dybbol #bestofmygrams