RT @ManuelTHERY@twitter.com
This is how pulsatile acto-myosin networks sense and respond to the architecture of a building.
#SideProjects are #BestProjects.
Movie by @alf_fonsi@twitter.com for #LiLu Light Festival of Luzern in Switzerland.https://lichtfestivalluzern.ch/en/
January 12-13 2023
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ManuelTHERY/status/1605252507495702547
#lilu #bestprojects #sideprojects
This is how pulsatile acto-myosin networks sense and respond to the architecture of a building.
#SideProjects are #BestProjects.
Movie by @alf_fonsi for #LiLu Light Festival of Luzern in Switzerland.https://lichtfestivalluzern.ch/en/
January 12-13 2023
#sideprojects #bestprojects #lilu