Venus and Jupiter are buddies tonight in the evening sky over State College. Look fast as it will soon disappear over the horizon as the Earth spins them out of our line of sight as the night takes hold.
Photo creds to former awesome student James Mullen.
Anyone looking for a game changing hire in Marketing? One of the best students I've ever taught is graduating from Lehigh soon. Scholar & star athlete, off the charts intelligent, a leader, hardworking & kind. You will not find a better future employee than Cassie Marte. #19 #marketing #lehigh #beststudentsever
#marketing #lehigh #beststudentsever
Advanced Geology students looking at gravel from the Lee Creek Formation that I collected from the PCS Mine in Aurora NC. They have identified many shark, stingray, dolphin, bryozoan, coral, fish & other microfossils! I asked them to take a few artsy photographs and this is a sampling of what they turned in. All pics used with permission. Not bad for high school juniors and seniors! The future is bright for this bunch!
#BestStudentsEver #BestClassEver #LeeCreekFormation #fossils #Paleontology
#beststudentsever #bestclassever #leecreekformation #fossils #paleontology