The Beta Band w/ Its not to beautiful live at Glastonbury 2000
I saw them at about the same time in Kölle. #BigStyler #BetaBand it is too beautiful .. !
Great programme on BBC Radio4 this morning featuring the Fence Collective musicians, the Beta Band and loads more #KingCreosote #KTTunstall #PictishTrail #BetaBand
#kingcreosote #kttunstall #pictishtrail #betaband
Here's my new #playlist of 20 songs for your week. It has old favourites & newly discovered #music
All the songs from the weekend popquiz feature inc #JimiHendrix #Blur #Radiohead #Interpol #BlindMelon #SmashingPumpkins
+ classics from #Pixies #BobDylan #TRex #ManfredMann #Beck #BetaBand
+ some new stuff from #SteveMason #Kelela & #DjangoDjango
Please take a listen, follow & boost if that's your bag. Updates every week
#playlist #music #JimiHendrix #blur #radiohead #interpol #BlindMelon #SmashingPumpkins #pixies #bobdylan #trex #ManfredMann #beck #betaband #SteveMason #kelela #djangodjango #nowplaying #AlskisTootPlaylist
Man, I loved the Beta Band, maybe more than I’ve ever loved any, back in the day. A huge part of the appeal was all of the peripheral DIY, the sets and the zones and the movies and the artwork and the t shirts. Everything seemed so creative, and inspiring. John Maclean was a large part of that, so I was very pleased to see him interviewed in the Guardian about #painting. Also, he thinks a #betaband reunion someday, that's the sort of 2023 story I am very ready for.
the great gordon anderson #music #psychedelic #betaband
#Wildhoney #DJShadow #ExCops #JagwarMa #JimiGoodwin #PJHarvey #TheBlackRyder #TheWalkmen #TheWeddingPresent #AhKosmos #IceChoir #Iceage #LordHuron #TheBlankTapes #TheMilkCartonKids #MilkCartonKids #TimBuckley #HidekiSakomizu #TheMonochromeSet #Balthazar #Pavement #TheAutumns #LindaPerhacs #JesusAndMaryChain #JAMC #Múm #Mum #CateLeBon #NeonIndian #UlrichSchnauss #BetaBand #Wire #PinkFloyd #KikagakuMoyo #NickDrake #Squarepusher #BritishSeaPower #Modeselektor
#wildhoney #DJShadow #excops #jagwarma #jimigoodwin #PJHarvey #theblackryder #thewalkmen #theweddingpresent #ahkosmos #icechoir #IceAge #lordhuron #theblanktapes #themilkcartonkids #milkcartonkids #timbuckley #hidekisakomizu #themonochromeset #balthazar #pavement #theautumns #lindaperhacs #JesusAndMaryChain #jamc #mum #catelebon #neonindian #ulrichschnauss #betaband #wire #PinkFloyd #kikagakumoyo #Nickdrake #squarepusher #britishseapower #modeselektor