The next #BetaCodexBookClub session has been announced! During the session in August, the book "Productive Workplaces" by the great Marvin Weisbord will be discussed. See the full #BookClub invitation here:
#betacodex #leadership #orgdev #orgdesign #transformation #weisbord #productiveworkplaces
#betacodexbookclub #bookclub #betacodex #leadership #orgdev #orgdesign #transformation #weisbord #productiveworkplaces
Quite a few public #BetaCodex-related events are coming up:
19 May (tomorrow!): #BetaCodexLIVE on "Complexity theories"
02 June: #5YearsOfOpenSpace Beta anniversary event
08 June: Info Hour #RelativeTargets
19/20 June: #OpenSpaceBeta Practitioner qualification (German, in Wiesbaden)
27 June: #BetaCodexBookClub
#betacodex #betacodexlive #5yearsofopenspace #relativetargets #openspacebeta #betacodexbookclub
Hi everyone. The 6th #BetaCodexBookClub session just ended. We discussed Mariana Mazzucato's fine book #MissionEconomy. We had very diverse points of view and a lot of topics related to Beta, too. We were 7 participants in total.
We used the last minutes of our 2-hour session to set a date for the next #BetaCodexBookClub session, which will happen on 21 March at 19.00hs CET (German time). And we also picked a new book for the occasion!
Check out the invitation post on LinkedIn, here:
#betacodexbookclub #missioneconomy #betacodex #bookclub
Im Dezember gab es das vorerst letzte online #Betacodex #Meetup auf deutsch. In den akuten Coronazeiten war das ein Superformat. Nun braucht es erstmal wieder anderes: Reale Treffen und spezifischere Online-Formate. So wie den Bookclub und den BingeClub. Mehr in unserer LinkedIn Gruppe oder in Ankündigungen hier. #betacodexbookclub #betacodexbingeclub
#betacodex #meetup #betacodexbookclub #betacodexbingeclub
We would like to invite you to a new edition of the #BetaCodexBookClub, which will happen on 17 January at 19.00hs CET (German time)
Check out the invitation in the #BetaCodex group on LinkedIn, here:
When we had the 1st edition of the #BetaCodexBookClub.,the experience was pretty good for everyone involved. So we agreed on suggesting another edition. With a different book, of course.
Here is how it works:
#betacodex #businessbooks #leadership #orgdev #agile #agility #selforganization #lean #agile #teal #beyondbudgeting #management #newwork #newleadership
#betacodex #businessbooks #leadership #orgdev #agile #agility #selforganization #lean #teal #beyondbudgeting #management #newwork #newleadership #betacodexbookclub