Timelapse footage of Beta Pictoris b. 17 years of data-collecting in a 10 second video, showing ¾ of the planet's orbit around its star.
#youtube #betapictorisb #betapicb #exoplanet
Gizmodo: See 17 Years of an Exoplanet’s Orbit in One Captivating GIF https://gizmodo.com/see-17-years-of-an-exoplanet-s-orbit-in-one-captivating-1850729475 #methodsofdetectingexoplanets #technologyinternet #planetarysystem #exoplanetology #betapictorisb #malachinoel #exoplanet #jasonwang #pictor #picsat
#methodsofdetectingexoplanets #technologyinternet #planetarysystem #exoplanetology #betapictorisb #malachinoel #exoplanet #jasonwang #pictor #picsat
β Pictoris b is the fastest spinning world we know of, rotating at ~100,000 km/h. By comparison, the rotation speed of Jupiter’s equatorial atmosphere is about 47,000 km/h, while the Earth’s travels at 1,674.4 km/h.
#science #sciencefacts #betapictoris #betapictorisb #rotate #rotation
#science #sciencefacts #betapictoris #betapictorisb #rotate #rotation