Happy Sunday, friends! 🌻❤️🌻❤️🌻❤️
Most of us can’t perceive our own light because we’re *within* it. Today’s IG explores the link between hope and darkness:
#Life #KeepGoing #light #lightworker #LifeCoach #writing #books #Author #breathe #BeTheLight
#life #keepgoing #light #lightworker #lifecoach #writing #books #author #breathe #bethelight
Today, one of the first things I saw was a kind word from someone 2,000-ish miles away. Due to time zone differences, it was probably typed as they went to bed. It serves as the light Dr. Schweitzer refers to in this quote. Today, be sure to extend a kindness. You’re the light in someone’s world.
#gratitude #bethelight #bekind #kindess #qotd #quotes
Are you following your star, or are you the star? Or is it both? Todays IG explores the concept of being your own light:
#BeTheLight #star #stars #Growth #mindset #SelfHelp #writer #author #mentors
#bethelight #star #stars #growth #mindset #selfhelp #writer #author #mentors
Are you following your star, or are you the star? Or is it both? Todays IG story explores the concept of being your own light:
#BeTheLight #star #stars #Growth #mindset #SelfHelp #writer #author #mentors #DailyHabits #ThursdayThoughts #ThoughtLeader
#bethelight #star #stars #growth #mindset #selfhelp #writer #author #mentors #dailyhabits #thursdaythoughts #thoughtleader
What does it mean to “be the light?” I share my take in today’s IG story:
#BeTheLight #Motivation #energy #BeKind #Daily #QOTD #writer #writing #meditation #author
#bethelight #motivation #energy #bekind #daily #qotd #writer #writing #meditation #author
What does it mean to “be the light?” I share my take in today’s IG story:
#BeTheLight #Motivation #energy #BeKind #Daily #QOTD #writer #writing #meditation #author #light #moon #joy #happiness
#bethelight #motivation #energy #bekind #daily #qotd #writer #writing #meditation #author #light #moon #joy #happiness
My beautiful sister-in-law passed early this morning after deciding she was done with dialysis.
Get your vaccines people!
This was over her home
Such a terribly sad story. Breaks my heart! 💔
#BeTheLight #StopBullying
#lgbtqia #bethelight #stopbullying
Winter solstice.
The darkest day, a time to celebrate a brighter future.
I wish I could believe that things are going to get lighter.
It feels that darkness has invaded the world.
Yesterday we learned that college and university for women in Afghanistan has been stopped, active immediately.
We also had the high court decision that the UK can legally send refugees to Rwanda.
The darkest day!
But where is the promise of a brighter future?
Will the light return?
I wish I could celebrate.
But that's impossible unless safe passage is offered to those fleeing persecution and war.
I hear constantly the word "illegal".
Seeking asylum, seeking protection, is not illegal!
You cannot have an illegal asylum seeker!
Seeking asylum is a right! Not illegal!
Please bring the light, it's ok if it's slow, just be the light in the darkness.
Photo credit: Nicolas Georgiou
Donation information:
Bank account:
GB03 LOYD 3096 2677 7094 60
Sort code. 30-96-26
Account no: 77709460
Donation page: https://hope-project.raisely.com
#hope #nikolasgeorgiou #winter #wintersolstice #solstice #darkness #darkestday #light #bethelight #darknessintolight #theworldisdark #afganistan #rwanda #womensrights #refugeerights #humanrights #educationforall #safepassage #safepassageforall
#bethechange #hope #nikolasgeorgiou #winter #wintersolstice #solstice #darkness #darkestday #light #bethelight #darknessintolight #theworldisdark #Afganistan #rwanda #womensrights #refugeerights #humanrights #educationforall #safepassage #SafePassageForAll
Night 2: latkes and chickpea fries. #happyhanukkah2022 #mazeldon #latkes #BeTheLight
#happyhanukkah2022 #mazeldon #latkes #bethelight
#lightacandle #wegotthis #bethelight #cocktails #MolotovCocktails #lightupthedarkness
Let’s each make a point to do at least 1 extra act of kindness each day. It can be as simple as a smile, a greeting, or something as generous as we are able to be. But let’s keep sending out positively into the world, as we are 12 days away from Christmas. And even after the 25th, let’s continue to share our aloha!
#positivity #kindness #bethelight #tistheseason #12daysofchristmas #aloha #luckywelivehawaii #actofkindness
#positivity #kindness #bethelight #tistheseason #12daysofchristmas #aloha #luckywelivehawaii #ActofKindness
“May the light of the Guardian dwell in you always, and may you be a source of light in those places where shadows gather.” — Dianne Astle 🕯️ #LightBearer #LightWorker #BeTheLight #signs #WickerPark #Chicago #POTD #StreetPhotography
#lightbearer #lightworker #bethelight #signs #wickerpark #chicago #potd #streetphotography
Does a candle ever get mad at the night for being dark?
#yoga #meditation #fridaymeditation #bethelight #shine #keepshining
#keepshining #shine #bethelight #fridaymeditation #meditation #yoga
So psyched for this one :)
RT @KameronHurley@twitter.com
Happy LIGHT BRIGADE RELEASE DAY! Grab your copy here: https://amzn.to/2Y6XtHD or ask for it at your bookselling retailer or library of choice! #lightbrigade #bethelight
I liked a @YouTube@twitter.com video http://youtu.be/j8e1PPniBqw?a According To Science: Here Are 14 Signs That You Are Highly Intelligent | #BeTheLight