#StrongTowns in #Portland #pdx is doing awesome #urbanist #ClimateAction and organizing that on-the-ground #BanCars #TacticalUrbanism #BetterBlock #StuffInTheStreet and they have regular hangouts and game nights you should get in on. (do I want to be on another slack though, where's your mastodon account?)
#strongtowns #portland #pdx #urbanist #climateaction #bancars #tacticalurbanism #betterblock #stuffinthestreet
This #StrongTowns organizing is top-notch #urbanism, getting people engaged on their zoning code, @parkingreform, understanding #InducedDemand, #TacticalUrbanism making #stroads into a #BetterBlock, #VisionZero #20isPlenty #ClimateAction #15minuteNeighborhood #bikes and #transit, shout out to @bikegridnow #BikeWayNetwork
#strongtowns #urbanism #induceddemand #tacticalurbanism #stroads #betterblock #visionzero #20isplenty #climateaction #15minuteneighborhood #bikes #transit #bikewaynetwork
I know the story of 2 projects in #PeopleForBikes "BEST of 2022". Both were built only after hard-won advocacy fights.
I wonder about genesis of others on the "Best" list
#BetterNaito #PDX started as #BetterBlock student work at @TRECpdx@urbanists Supported by a People Protected #Bike Lane demo by @bikeloudpdx
The #Seattle #GreenLake people path took combined #PeoplePower of
#GLWstreets #AuroraReimagened + #SNGreenways
Grateful to #PBOT #SDOT for implementing!
#peopleforbikes #betternaito #pdx #betterblock #bike #seattle #greenlake #peoplepower #glwstreets #aurorareimagened #sngreenways #pbot #SDOT #BikeTooter
@cshentrup @allinsea what does the roadmap to a carbon tax look like? I think it's probably on the other side of a representative government. So, like fareless transit doesn't make sense from an ideal perspective, but we have to start by making driving gradually more painful while delivering more compelling options. https://freakonomics.com/podcast/should-public-transit-be-free/
Hearts and minds: the most fun and anti-car things for the buck: giving people money for #eBikes, banning cars from #SchoolStreets, pop-up #BetterBlock &c
#ebikes #schoolstreets #betterblock
@geodarcy @robyn I think people need to see a complete low-stress bikeway network + every-5-min transit service, made out of orange cones at first. But to your immediate signage issue etc, 1. be sure that it was in 311/reported in a way that it can be found when somebody needs to sue the DOT over it. 2. get some kind of participatory budgeting, tactical urbanism community project, demonstration/working prototype #BetterBlock setup to make DOTs more responsive about controlling cars with infra.