One of my fave kinds of passive #activism is to airdrop #COVID related #infographics to random people while I’m out. It feels like I’m doing something daring 😂
Most decline the airdrop request. But it’s super rewarding when they accept, and even better when they say something about it out loud to whomever they’re with.
#SarsCov2 #Covid19 #CovidDispatch #PublicHealth #Tripledemic #CleanAir #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborne #WearARespirator #BetterMasks #UpgradeYourMask #BringBackMasks
#activism #covid #infographics #sarscov2 #covid19 #coviddispatch #publichealth #tripledemic #cleanair #covidisnotover #covidisairborne #weararespirator #bettermasks #upgradeyourmask #bringbackmasks
One of my fave kinds of passive #activism is to airdrop #COVID related #infographics to random people while I’m out. It feels like I’m doing something daring 😂
Most decline the airdrop request. But it’s super rewarding when they accept, and even better when they say something about it out loud to whomever they’re with.
#SarsCov2 #Covid19 #CovidDispatch #PublicHealth #Tripledemic #CleanAir #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborne #WearARespirator #BetterMasks #UpgradeYourMask #BringBackMasks
#activism #covid #infographics #sarscov2 #covid19 #coviddispatch #publichealth #tripledemic #cleanair #covidisnotover #covidisairborne #weararespirator #bettermasks #upgradeyourmask #bringbackmasks
Dispatch from #Brooklyn — out of the house for a total of 4 hours today, and I’ve seen three ambulances with lights on (parked, attending to people) and two speeding past with lights and sirens. Streets seem emptier than usual, even during the usual school-dismissal-rush between 2:30 and 4 PM.
#CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborne #CovidDispatch
#PublicHealth #BringBackMasks #WearAMask
#UpgradeYourMask #SarsCov2 #Covid19 #COVID #ThisIsOurPolio
#brooklyn #covidisnotover #covidisairborne #coviddispatch #publichealth #bringbackmasks #wearamask #bettermasks #upgradeyourmask #sarscov2 #covid19 #covid #thisisourpolio
RT @michael_hoerger: Fit-testing Tip #13: Procedure Masks are a Joke.
Fit tested, fails in <0.5 sec. Air flows to the path of least resistance. Gaps poorly guard against inhaling/exhaling viral-laden aerosols.
Everybody should be using #BetterMasks, paid w/public funds.
I saw someone complaining on Twitter last night that they are infected with #COVID for the third time, and how they wish that people would stop commenting to ask whether they take proper precautions…
Them: Stop asking!!! I always #WearAMask except for the other night when I chose to be unmasked ONCE during an indoor event!
…So you know exactly why you have COVID a third time, or…? 😵💫
#CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborne #IAQ #TripleDemic #BetterMasks #PublicHealth #ScreamingIntoTheVoid
#covid #wearamask #covidisnotover #covidisairborne #iaq #tripledemic #bettermasks #publichealth #screamingintothevoid
#CO2 reading of 1018 ppm on #NYC #MTA bus this AM—6 other riders (all unmasked), me (N95), plus the bus driver (unmasked). One window open.
#BringBackMasks #CovidIsAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #BetterMasks #CleanAir
#co2 #nyc #mta #bringbackmasks #covidisairborne #covidisnotover #bettermasks #cleanair