#qiita #BetterTouchTool #デュアルディスプレイ #Hammerspoon #マルチディスプレイ #ChatGPT
#qiita #bettertouchtool #デュアルディスプレイ #hammerspoon #マルチディスプレイ #chatgpt
Nearly done with setting up all my #gestures and #workflows in #BetterTouchTool again. Figures I'd forget to back things up there before sending the laptop off to repair. 🤷♂️
I guess I'm really the only one who actively uses the #TouchBar on my mac, everyone else seems to hate it.
#gestures #workflows #bettertouchtool #touchbar
@hacknorris @wojciech błędów nie ma, bo nawet nie wiem, jak zacząć 😅
Mam taki config: https://pastebin.com/p73Kbwas (dokumentacja podlinkowana w 1. linijce). Jest to config drążka Joy-Cona (kontrolera od #NintendoSwitch) dla apki #BetterTouchTool. Udało mi się skonfigurować czynności, że wskazuje mi w którą stronę wychyliłem drążek. Teraz bym chciał otrzymać także informację, w którą stronę został obrócony (czyli że gdy najpierw wyśle sygnał np. 0x01, a następnie 0x02 (i tak dla każdego; 0x01 - 0x02, 0x02 - 0x03 ... 0x07 - 0x00) to wysyła info "rotateRight" i odwrotnie dla "rotateLeft").
Nie mam pojęcia jak to ogarnąć
#bettertouchtool #nintendoswitch
Coole Idee: #ChatGPT in der Menüleiste am #Mac mit #BetterTouchTool ... https://folivora.ai/blog/post/13300
#chatgpt #mac #bettertouchtool
BetterTouchTool mit Anwendungstipps: ChatGPT in der Mac-Menüleiste
Die Mac-App BetterTouchTool kommt in der neu veröffentlichten Version 4.045 mit ein paar hilfreichen Ergänzungen. So lassen sich jetzt beispielsweise auch Automationen starten, in dem man die Maus an den rechten oder linken Bildschirmrand fährt, oder sie davon wegbewegt. In den Einstellungen der App können Trackpad-Nutzer nach dem aktuellen Update zudem ein haptisches Feedback beim […]
#News #Apps #bettertouchtool #Mac
I have all these awesome #Shortcuts and #BetterTouchTool automations AND plans for blog posts, but it's so hard to convey how much they improve the Mac if I don't also make a video of them. I don't want to do make a video…
I waited for deliveries and played Return to Monkey Island.
More important, @lardh wrote about making a #powermate useful with modern Macs again using #BetterTouchTool.
#100DaysToOffload #bettertouchtool #powermate
@llo_ai Short video showing the #PowerMate and #BetterTouchTool in action. For this I set it to use the Volume Up / Down Small Step actions for precise volume control, but any actions could be used.
The subreddit for #BetterTouchTool is great for figuring out the various tweaks and hacks you can use it for.
Anyway, I'm not a shill for it, I'm just giving it a shoutout because the update today has made me really happy.
@llo_ai Got the blog entry for using the #PowerMate with #bettertouchtool written. It contains some backstory, instructions and the javascript needed to get the thing working.
#powermate #bettertouchtool #100DaysToOffload
Who remembers the #Griffin #PowerMate, released over 20 years ago? I think I’ve had this one since 2004 or 2005. It’s neat, but does not have software support any more.
Until now 😄
A new version of #bettertouchtool by @llo_ai was recently released with support for “generic devices”.
A few lines of JavaScript and the PowerMate works perfectly on my M1 Mini. Time to sleep now, will write a blog entry about it tomorrow. 😴
#griffin #powermate #bettertouchtool
BetterTouchTool springt auf Version 4.0
Die Mac-App BetterTouchTool ist jetzt in Version 4.0 erhältlich. Der Entwickler lenkt mit Blick auf die rund Versionsnummer allerdings direkt ein und betont, dass es sich hier zumindest von den App-Inhalten her keineswegs um einen besonders großen Sprung handelt – ihm seien schlichtweg die brauchbaren Versionsnummern mit einer „3“ vor dem Punkt ausgegangen. Zuletzt war […]
#News #Apps #bettertouchtool #Mac
I've been using #StageManager on my M2 Air since #macOS #Ventura came out.
With #BetterTouchTool, I set up a few really helpful gestures:
1: 2-finger swipe right on a minimized window adds it to a set (simulates ⇧-click)*
2: 2-finger swipe left on the app drawer pushes the current window back into the app drawer (simulates ⌘-M)*
3: 4-finger swipe right/left cycles through app sets (action in BTT)
*condition: mouse_position_x <= 140
#stagemanager #macOS #ventura #bettertouchtool
I've been using #StageManager on my M2 Air since #macOS #Ventura came out.
With #BetterTouchTool, I set up a few really helpful gestures:
1: 2-finger swipe right on a minimized window adds it to a set (simulates ⇧-click)*
2: 2-finger swipe left on the app drawer minimizes the current window (simulates ⌘-M)*
3: 4-finger swipe right/left cycles through app sets (action in BTT)
*condition: `mouse_position_x <= 140`
#stagemanager #macOS #ventura #bettertouchtool
@diddledani nice - I hacked together something similar for Mac a few years ago, still find it endlessly useful: https://blog.korny.info/2019/04/08/ocr-hack-grabbing-text-from-the-screen-on-a-macbook.html - basically using #BetterTouchTool to call #tesseract
#bettertouchtool is one of the toxic apps on macOS. irregular configs files naming to prevent working manual backup script. unstable sharing option to ruin may all scripts (backup my files but it's not a point)
It's a brilliant and very thoughtful solution to a very annoying problem. Usually for this stuff you have to look things up in a list somewhere or pull up another tool.
But with this, when you go to configure your filters, you can just focus the window you want to filter for, look at the values in the window you're already using, and then go back to that same dialog and add the appropriate filter values.
Simple, effective, and obvious once you think of it, but far from obvious when you're designing this interface. It reveals a keen attention to how the users are actually using the program and creative thinking about how you can improve that experience.
Love it, big kudos to the team at https://folivora.ai, they're doing solid work with a very reasonable business model, I'm a happy camper and I'm only using a small slice of what this tool is capable of.
#recommendations #bettertouchtool #software #tweaks #macos
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#deals #deal #software #macapp #macapps #macos #mac #cybermonday2021 #cybermonday #utility #productivity #workflow #bettertouchtool #preblackfriday #BlackFriday2021 #BlackFriday