Themen in diesen Video sind:
- Hinweis auf #Spotify und #Podcast Angebot
- #DieVerbotenenLande
- #Coriolis Kampagne
- #Vaesen in Bayern und Preußen
- #TheGaslightClub und #TidalBlades
- #Cthulhu #MaskenDesNyarlathotep und Regency
- #RiversOfLondon und dessen follow up
- #BrindlewoodBay in Bayern
- #Numenera und #GirlUnderground
- Optionen auf #CityOfMist, #Fiasko, #SwordsAndWizardry
- Neuling leitet #RuneQuest
- Gastspielleitung von #Stargate, #MutantMechatron und #BetweenClouds
#spotify #podcast #dieverbotenenlande #coriolis #vaesen #thegaslightclub #tidalblades #cthulhu #maskendesnyarlathotep #riversoflondon #brindlewoodbay #numenera #girlunderground #cityofmist #fiasko #swordsandwizardry #runequest #stargate #mutantmechatron #betweenclouds #pnpde
Good weekend for gaming! Started my #BetweenClouds game with (most of) a session zero yesterday, and did character creation for a #bladesinthedark game tonight (playing a Spider named Aziza in a Shadows crew).
#betweenclouds #bladesinthedark