#OTD In Oncer History.
Episode 217
“Welcome to Storybrooke” 🛣
📺 March 17, 2013
#OnceUponATime #OUAPNW
#EmmaSwan (#JenniferMorrison), #DavidNolan (#JoshDallas) and #MrGold (#RobertCarlyle), must protect #MaryMargaret (#GinniferGoodwin) from Regina's revenge.
⭐️ #LanaParrilla #ReginaMills #MeghanOry #Ruby #BeverelyElliott #Granny #RaphaelSbarge #ArchieHopper #JaredGilmore #HenryMills
#otd #onceuponatime #ouapnw #emmaswan #jennifermorrison #davidnolan #joshdallas #mrgold #robertcarlyle #marymargaret #ginnifergoodwin #lanaparrilla #reginamills #meghanory #ruby #beverelyelliott #granny #raphaelsbarge #archiehopper #jaredgilmore #henrymills
#OTD In Oncer History.
Episode 313
“Witch Hunt” 🧙
📺 March 16, 2014
#OnceUponATime #OUAPNW
#EmmaSwan (#JenniferMorrison) teams up with #ReginaMills (#LanaParrilla) to try and figure out who’s cast the latest curse.
⭐️ #EmiliedeRavin #Belle #DavidAnders #DrWhale #BeverelyElliott #Granny #RaphaelSbarge #ArchieHopper
#otd #onceuponatime #ouapnw #emmaswan #jennifermorrison #reginamills #lanaparrilla #emiliederavin #belle #davidanders #drwhale #beverelyelliott #granny #raphaelsbarge #archiehopper
#OTD In Oncer History.
Episode 115
“Red-Handed” 👵🏻 🏹 🐺
📺 March 11, 2012
#OnceUponATime #OUAPNW
#EmmaSwan (#JenniferMorrison) continues questioning #DavidNolan (#JoshDallas) on the disappearance and possible murder of Kathryn.
#RedRidingHood (#MeghanOry) yearns to run away with her true love, but can’t because of a bloodthirsty wolf.
#otd #onceuponatime #ouapnw #emmaswan #jennifermorrison #davidnolan #joshdallas #redridinghood #meghanory #ginnifergoodwin #snowwhite #beverelyelliott #granny