Are you wondering how soft the Fed's landing will be? We discuss the topic this week in my PhD course on economic #slack. The lecture videos & notes are available at:
The relevant lectures are 88–102.
We find that if the Fed achieves its aim of reducing labor-market tightness (vacancies/unemployment) from 2 to 1, the unemployment rate will rise from 4% to 5%. So not zero but not dramatic either.
#softlanding #monetarypolicy #unemployment #beveridgecurve #courseware
#slack #softlanding #monetarypolicy #unemployment #beveridgecurve #courseware
To wrap up the #introduction, here are a number of personal hashtags (h/t @undercoverhistorian).
Fields of research in #socialscience: #macroeconomics, #laboreconomics, #publiceconomics, #behavioraleconomics, #metascience
Typical paper keywords: #matching, #unemployment, #beveridgecurve, #wealthintheutility, #pricerigidity, #wagerigidity, #monetarypolicy, #fiscalpolicy
Institutions I have frequented: #BrownUniversity, #LSE, #Berkeley, #CentraleParis
Where I am from: #trebeurden, #bretagne
#introduction #socialscience #macroeconomics #laboreconomics #publiceconomics #behavioraleconomics #metascience #matching #unemployment #beveridgecurve #wealthintheutility #pricerigidity #wagerigidity #monetarypolicy #fiscalpolicy #BrownUniversity #lse #Berkeley #CentraleParis #trebeurden #bretagne