One more way to savor this day. A choice of scents! I'm strongly drawn to lemon pound cake.
#TrumpIndictment #BewareTheIdesOfMarch
TRUMP INDICTED — That Gay Guy Candle Co.
#trumpindictment #bewaretheidesofmarch
I don't know who needs to hear this but NO YOU EFFIN don't need the IDE for #rust sudo apt install rust is 100% of what I need. "Oh no you say, you will need to install packages for..." let me stop you right there! No, no I won't I just built and ran hello world for rust which means rust will be my 17th language to implement a gui 4 banger calc app with 0 dependencies other than stdin/stdout #BewareTheIDEsOfMarch
Shamelessly stolen and reposted here for your #RetroComputing pleasure.
#bewaretheidesofmarch #retrocomputing
I used to tell my students about my visit to Rome on one March 15, where I saw dozens of flowers placed on the rock where Julius Caesar was cremated. "2000 years from now, will someone lay flowers on my grave?" I asked. We laughed about it, but it also made us reflect on the difference that my life makes in the sands of history. #bookstodon
#bewaretheidesofmarch #bookstodon
Time for a #CupOfTeaSocial #QuizQuestion! It's the #IdesOfMarch today, the 74th day of the Roman year. There was an Ides in every month back in Roman times but the Ides of March is particularly well known as it's the day that Julius Caesar was assassinated back in 44BC. The assassination was a big affair (literally, he was stabbed 23 times and at least 60 senators were in on the plot) and is well recorded by contemporary sources so we know a surprising large amount about the event.
Here's your question: True or false - the Romans were so proud of assassinating their dictator that they minted a commemorative coin the following year.
Stick your answer in the #poll and no spoilers in the replies unless they are behind a CW please.
#cupofteasocial #quizquestion #idesofmarch #poll #trivia #quiz #caesar #bewaretheidesofmarch