RT @womensaid
Football doesn't cause domestic abuse but a game can increase existing abuse, leaving women filled with fear when they hear the dreaded sound of the key in the door. Share this post so survivors know where to turn. #HesComingHome #BeWomensAid #WorldCup
👉 https://www.womensaid.org.uk/information-support/
#worldcup #bewomensaid #hescominghome
RT @womensaid@twitter.com
Football doesn't cause domestic abuse but a game can increase existing abuse, leaving women filled with fear when they hear the dreaded sound of the key in the door. Share this post so survivors know where to turn. #HesComingHome #BeWomensAid #WorldCup
👉 https://www.womensaid.org.uk/information-support/
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/womensaid/status/1596087147974754307
#worldcup #bewomensaid #hescominghome