Aikamoista, keskustalainen ajatuspaja julkaisee raportin "kohtuutaloudesta". Kyllä se valo sieltä alkaa syttyä, kun on pakko?
#degrowth #postgrowth #beyondcapitalism
@KAPistor thinking about #BeyondCapitalism can mean many things. I would suggest a good starting point is G.A. Cohens tiny book "Why not socialism?". Many important points there. But it leaves me with the question: How to design a system of production incentives and distribution that is neither the market nor central planning, and feasible in large and complex societies?
"What's beyond capitalism"
I saw this question and watched a video discussion of Prof Pistor... Then watched this.
#BeyondCapitalism #Financisalistion
#copyright #propertyright #AdamNeily
#beyondcapitalism #Financisalistion #copyright #propertyright #AdamNeily #friday
@KAPistor It is a re-recording of a talk given at Brighton University last year and one I'm giving a modified version of at The University of Sydney later this month. I hope you like it's development of a model for the world #BeyondCapitalism
Here is a Draft for a future without capitalism and how we can transition beyond it while using the current economic processes to reset and re-balance systems to a life value set of goals for all, to reduce inequality
#anewhope #futurecanbebetter #beyondcapitalism #futureofsustainability #resourcebasedeconomy #howtochangecapitalism
#cybernetics #systems #balance #removeinequality #LifeValueSystems
#lifevaluesystems #removeinequality #balance #systems #cybernetics #howtochangecapitalism #resourcebasedeconomy #futureofsustainability #beyondcapitalism #futurecanbebetter #anewhope