jep. näin tuon itsekin ja esitin kriittisiä mielipiteitä.
ei 30v sitten eu-parlamentissä pidetty #BeyondGrowth kongresseja.
lisäksi, suurin osa julisteen asioista on täysin kannatettavia. kuten tasa-arvo, edullinen ja puhdas energia, ei köyhyyttä,
ei nälkää, kestävät yhteisöt ja kaupungit, ja laadukas koulutus. kierrätyskin on tärkeää.
on se paljon parempaa kuin drill baby drill.
Great summary of #BeyondGrowth conference opening session where 4000 mostly young people joined in the #europeanparliament. #climate #impact #poverty #inequality #finance #economics Open the picture to read it full-screen.
#economics #finance #inequality #poverty #impact #climate #europeanparliament #beyondgrowth
Are you working in the environmental movement in one form or another? And would have a few minutes to fill out a short student survey? →
#ClimateActivism #ClimateChange #Parents4Future #Fridays4Future #Degrowth #PostGrowth #BeyondGrowth #WellbeingEconomy #SystemChange #JustStopOil
#juststopoil #systemchange #wellbeingeconomy #beyondgrowth #postgrowth #degrowth #fridays4future #parents4future #ClimateChange #climateactivism
Julia Steinberger : #BeyondGrowth . #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #EndFossilFuels #FastFairForever #FridaysForFuture #ManifestationPourLeClimat #ClimateStrike #FossilFuelTreaty #StopTheMoneyPipeline #JustTransition #Climate #ActOnClimate #ClimateEmergency #Biodiversity #BiodiversityCrisis #BiodiversityEmergency #ForestsAreNotRenewable #TomorrowIsTooLate #StopEACOP #StopWillow #NoMoreDrilling #ETC #EnergyCharterTreaty
#beyondgrowth #ClimateChange #climatecrisis #endfossilfuels #fastfairforever #fridaysforfuture #manifestationpourleclimat #climatestrike #fossilfueltreaty #stopthemoneypipeline #justtransition #climate #actonclimate #climateemergency #biodiversity #biodiversitycrisis #biodiversityemergency #forestsarenotrenewable #tomorrowistoolate #stopeacop #stopwillow #nomoredrilling #etc #energychartertreaty
🎙️The Water We Swim In: What does system change actually mean?—With contributions from CUSP researchers @ProfTimJackson, Peter Victor and @simon_mair, this gripping new podcast series is tackling big questions in playful ways. →
cc #PostGrowth #BeyondGrowth #Degrowth #WellbeingEconomy #DoughnutEconomics #SystemChange #ClimateActivism #CivilDisobedience #Neoliberalism #JustStopOil #ParentForFuture #TheWaterWeSwimIn #TWWSIpod #Fridays4Future HT Tilly Robinson
#fridays4future #twwsipod #thewaterweswimin #parentforfuture #juststopoil #neoliberalism #civildisobedience #climateactivism #systemchange #doughnuteconomics #wellbeingeconomy #degrowth #beyondgrowth #postgrowth
edelleen katsomatta #BeyondGrowth webinaarit ☝️
#degrowth means “going post-capitalism, rethinking the role of businesses, phasing out for-profit mentality, rethinking the role of consumerism and materialism … we are talking about a real paradigm shift.”
What does it mean to look #BeyondGrowth ? #ClimateEmergency #pollution #ecology #environment #ClimateCrisis #ClimateCatastrophe #climate
#beyondgrowth #climateemergency #pollution #ecology #environment #climatecrisis #climatecatastrophe #climate
"Care is an anathema to #capitalism. Its virtues are capitalism’s vices. Its rich foundation for meaningful work is capitalism’s ‘productivity crisis’. To the mainstream economist, the time-intensive work of #care translates as low or stagnant productivity. The thing that’s ‘holding us back’ from the growth we are so obsessed with. "—
→ cc #postgrowth #degrowth #wellbeingeconomy #BeyondGrowth #CareEconomy
#CareEconomy #beyondgrowth #wellbeingeconomy #degrowth #postgrowth #care #Capitalism
We need the arts, more plays and works of fiction to help us envision the future, and bring to mind differing views and opposing sides of an argument.—Tim Jackson in interview with Radio New Zealand.
cc #ProsperityWithoutGrowth #PostGrowth #Postwachstum #PostCroissance #PostCrecimiento #LifeAfterCapitalism #Degrowth #Decroissance #Decrecimiento #BeyondGDP #BeyondGrowth #Activism
#activism #beyondgrowth #BeyondGDP #decrecimiento #decroissance #degrowth #LifeAfterCapitalism #postcrecimiento #postcroissance #postwachstum #postgrowth #prosperitywithoutgrowth
"If all people are to lead a good life within planetary boundaries, then our results suggest that provisioning systems must be fundamentally restructured to enable basic needs to be met at a much lower level of resource use. These findings represent a substantial challenge to current development trajectories."
#DoughnutEconomics #beyondgrowth #degrowth
A great conversation between Kate Raworth and Nate Hagens, highly recommended!
#beyondgrowth #degrowth #economics #DoughnutEconomics
With all the #NewHere people, it would be fantastic if we could build a bit of a network of mutual follows around non-mainstream #economics: #degrowth, #postgrowth, #beyondgrowth, doughnuts, mission economies, modern monetary theory, ecological economics etc.
My modest contribution: I am going to be more attentive in posting short comments about my own readings.
Next up is Ha-Joon Chang's "Kicking away the ladder":
#newhere #economics #degrowth #postgrowth #beyondgrowth
The Summer 2023 edition of the UK’s All-Party Parliamentary Group on the Limits to Growth newsletter has just gone live. A round-up of recent APPG activities in the UK and latest developments in #postgrowth thinking and international policymaking, including the EU’s #BeyondGrowth conference, and the Icelandic Government’s #WellbeingEconomy Forum. →
cc #ProsperityWithoutGrowth #WohlstandOhneWachstum #PostWachstum #BeyondGDP #Degrowth
#degrowth #BeyondGDP #postwachstum #wohlstandohnewachstum #prosperitywithoutgrowth #wellbeingeconomy #beyondgrowth #postgrowth
#VonderLeyen at the #BeyondGrowth conference:
"The clear message: that a growth model !*centered on fossil fuels*! is simply obsolete. The latest IPCC report is a reminder that we NEED to decarbonize our economy AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE. "
With !* *! I want to draw attention to that easily overlooked bit. She's NOT talking of ending the growth model. #degrowth
In capital letters where she raises her voice to emphasize:
As quickly as possible –
sounds nice? But in reality, what we need to do: decarbonize as quickly as REQUIRED in order to stay in a safe operating space. What decision makers deem "possible" is evidently insufficient. It's von der Leyen's (ghost writer's) obvious lacking grasp of our situation that renders her speech ridiculous and her policies downright insufficient and the outcome mass-manslaughter in gross negligence – or, more likely, in wilful ignorance in order to keep her decadent lifestyle = mass-MURDER.
@KarlE @Elektrotier @Ramiro @harun @mad @wehrdi @BlumeEvolution
#vonderleyen #beyondgrowth #degrowth ist eine Newsletterausgabe vom #NetzwerkKlimajournalismus mit vielen weiterführenden Links drin, zB zur #BeyondGrowth Konferenz letzten Monat im Eu-Parlamentssaal, wo @timparrique , Jason Hickel , Julia Steinberger, @farhanasultana uvm vor interessierten Bürgern Vorträge über ihre Forschung gehalten haben.
Der Titel dieser Klimajourno-Newsletter-Ausgabe ist "Onboarding" für Journalisten; das Thema ist das herrschende Wirtschaftsmodell #Kapitalismus #Wachstum und #Degrowth
Ein kurzes Interview mit #UlrikeHerrmann schließt die Newsletterausgabe für Journalisten ab.
Lesenswert. Auch als Linksammlung gut zu bookmarken.
#netzwerkklimajournalismus #beyondgrowth #kapitalismus #wachstum #degrowth #ulrikeherrmann
In search of scenarios, vignettes or even short fiction describing what it might be like to live #BeyondGrowth.
Is there day-in-the-life stuff? World-building? Flavour text?
I’m grappling with digesting the info and waffle into some ideas of what it might look like.
#beyondgrowth #beyondgrowthvignettes
Best of #BeyondGrowth 2023 - Agata Meysner #Environmentalist #LossAndDamage #COP28 #ManifestationPourLeClimat #ClimateStrike #FossilFuelTreaty #StopTheMoneyPipeline #JustTransition #Climate #ActOnClimate #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #Biodiversity #BiodiversityCrisis #BiodiversityEmergency #TomorrowIsTooLate #ClimateAction #degrowth #ClimateJustice
#beyondgrowth #environmentalist #LossAndDamage #COP28 #manifestationpourleclimat #climatestrike #fossilfueltreaty #stopthemoneypipeline #justtransition #climate #actonclimate #climatecrisis #climateemergency #biodiversity #biodiversitycrisis #biodiversityemergency #tomorrowistoolate #climateaction #degrowth #ClimateJustice
Best of #BeyondGrowth 2023 - Anuna De Wever #Environmentalist #LossAndDamage #COP28 #ManifestationPourLeClimat #ClimateStrike #FossilFuelTreaty #StopTheMoneyPipeline #JustTransition #Climate #ActOnClimate #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #Biodiversity #BiodiversityCrisis #BiodiversityEmergency #TomorrowIsTooLate #ClimateAction #degrowth #ClimateJustice
#beyondgrowth #environmentalist #LossAndDamage #COP28 #manifestationpourleclimat #climatestrike #fossilfueltreaty #stopthemoneypipeline #justtransition #climate #actonclimate #climatecrisis #climateemergency #biodiversity #biodiversitycrisis #biodiversityemergency #tomorrowistoolate #climateaction #degrowth #ClimateJustice
"Without #care there is no #economy. Covid brought this home, but lessons are slipping from our minds. The #CareEconomy is not just a sideshow in the search for a #PostGrowth world. It is the blueprint for it."— → cc #degrowth #BeyondGrowth
#care #economy #CareEconomy #postgrowth #degrowth #beyondgrowth
#PostGrowthEurope #PostGrowthWorld #BeyondGrowth #PostGrowth #DoughnutEconomics #ClimateAction #SDG8 #SDG13
Read letter:
More infos:
#PostGrowth #growth #degrowth #postgrowtheurope #postgrowthworld #beyondgrowth #doughnuteconomics #climateaction #SDG8 #sdg13