"If you believe in #greengrowth, the burden of proof is on you". 10 minutes well spent if you want to get a fix on the feasibility of green growth: @timparrique at #BeyondGrowth2023
Edited to add a mention of Parrique's Mastodon account.
#greengrowth #beyondgrowth2023 #degrowth #climateemergency
During Johan Rockström's talk at #BeyondGrowth2023 I was tweeting furiously and trying to relay his (crystalline, factful) argument in real-time. In a nutshell: human civilization evolved under conditions of extraordinary #climate and planetary stability. As we leave it, all bets are off. It is imperative to keep within #planetaryboundaries.
But it's better to just listen to his killer 10 mins presentation. Highly recommended.
#beyondgrowth2023 #climate #planetaryboundaries
Sokerina pohjalla, juuri ennen kesälomia, ilmestyy tämä kirjoitus #BeyondGrowth2023 -konferenssista. Tätä on hyvä siellä riippumatossa lukea ja pohtia, kuinka maailman suuret ongelmat oikeastaan voidaankaan ratkaista ja minkälaista taloutta se kysyy.
El cambio de sistema no se consigue desde el gobierno. Se consigue fuera. Si la sociedad cambia, los partidos ya irán detrás. Primero montamos el movimiento feminista, la Red de economía solidaria, los Municipios en Transición, los foros tipo #BeyondGrowth2023, los movimientos por la democracia real... Y cuando la sociedad reclame algo diferente, los políticos ya irán yendo para allá. O incluso empezaremos a hacer cosas SIN los políticos.
La conferencia #BeyondGrowth2023 obliga a los políticos a hablar de decrecimiento y cambio profundo del sistema económico.
Abro hilo.
On the way back from #BeyondGrowth2023 conference I wrote a blog for #EnvironmentalPolitics journal. It's my impressions, so please take it as such. For me it was a mixture of feelings and tension btw. hope and achievement & the opposite. I write about #eurocentrism & #colonial mindset that remains unshaken.
The reflectiond of the panel 3. "Beyond Growth Beyond Europe" is missing from the blog, because I spotted it online only afterwards 😞
#beyondgrowth2023 #environmentalpolitics #eurocentrism #colonial
Last week, the "Beyond Growth Conference" took place in the European Parliament in Brussels.
The conference had more than 4.000 participants, among them Ursula von der Leyen who said at this conference that the "fossile growth model" is "simply obsolete".
Here in Germany I did not notice any news report about this event in our German media.
The TV station Euronews reported about this event, link to watch in next toot.
#degrowth #PostGrowth #postwachstum #beyondgrowth2023
@AlisonCreekside @boud @jks I agree. And on top of that it also seems that this article is more or less the exception that proves the rule.
So I'm also a bit curious @jks : did you find out why it was discouraged?
Jason Hickel @jasonhickel at the #BeyondGrowth2023 conference in #EUParliament that the #GreensEFA had organised. https://youtu.be/xszUWnSEJig
13 minutes of
#BeyondGrowth #Degrowth #Postgrowth and ... tbh, eyecandy 🤷♀️ Shame tho that the lectern height forces the speaker to stoop, obscuring his face.
Julia Steinberger @jks also spoke at the conference and she likened the event to The Council of Elrond – herself being a hobbit, maybe Pippin, she wrote https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1659429887751405569.html , and other speakers elves, halfelves, ....
Jason Hickel most decidedly didn't represent the dwarves 😁, yet his expertise does put a mighty axe to the delusion of eternal growth.
#beyondgrowth2023 #euparliament #greensefa #beyondgrowth #degrowth #postgrowth
"Editoři velkých médií odmítají články kritické k ekonomickému růstu."
Ano, v tomhle v Česku patříme na Západ.
RT @JKSteinberger
Because here is the thing. Every. Single. Journalist. who was there (and there were many, from major outlets all over Europe and the world) that I spoke to, said "my editor refuses to print any story critical of economic growth."
Giebt es in irgendeiner deutschen Zeitung oder Zeitschrift einen Bericht über die 3-tägige EU-Komferez #BeyondGrowth2023?
Ich finde nichts.
#PostGrowth #beyondgrowth #postwachstum
#Pressefreiheit #UnsereWerte
#beyondgrowth2023 #PostGrowth #beyondgrowth #postwachstum #Pressefreiheit #unserewerte
Following the #BeyondGrowth2023 Conference at @Europarl_EN we are presenting our 5-point plan for social justice, sustainability and democracy.
1. Abandon GDP
2. Universal Basic Services
3. Focus on Sufficiency
4. Reduce inequality
5. Just Transition
To even be talking about this on the international stage has to be an achievement.
See @jks tweet on the birdsite about #BeyondGrowth2023.
The resistance of press to write anything that criticises economic growth is infuriating and irresponsible. This was an European Parliament conference!
Please, share this information and watch the recorded sessions from the seminar at https://www.beyond-growth-2023.eu/
#beyondgrowth2023 #degrowth #europeanparliament #eu
What an amazing conference! I rarely felt so inspired and touched by speakers and co-participants, although I only followed from distance. Thanks to all others who made this movement milestone possible. #BeyondGrowth2023 #beyondgrowth
#beyondgrowth #beyondgrowth2023
With small Wageningen University & Research delegation visiting the #BeyondGrowth2023 conference at EU Parliament in Brussel. Extremely inspiring (also for ecology academics). See beyond-growth-2023.eu for all talks. Will share highlights later this week. Session on putting a price on biodiversity (and why it isn't a good idea) was one highlight
(You might need to skip the first part in French)
#degrowth #postgrowth #biodiversity #natureconservation #beyondgrowth @wur
#beyondgrowth2023 #degrowth #postgrowth #biodiversity #natureconservation #beyondgrowth
Pathways towards #SustainableProsperity in the EU—Second #PostGrowth Conference at the European Parliament, Bruxelles 🗓️15-17 May 2023 → https://cusp.ac.uk/themes/aetw/beyondgrowth2023/
cc @ProfTimJackson #BeyondGrowth2023 #BeyondGDP #WellbeingEconomy #ProsperityWithoutGrowth #Degrowth #SustainableWelfare #GrowthDependency #GrowthIndependence
#growthindependence #growthdependency #sustainablewelfare #degrowth #prosperitywithoutgrowth #wellbeingeconomy #BeyondGDP #beyondgrowth2023 #postgrowth #SustainableProsperity