🇬🇧 #BlackMirror #S06 was a disappointment for me. None of the episodes really enthralled to the extent that it happened in previous seasons. If I had to pick the two best it would be #JoanIsAwful and #BeyondTheSea.
🇵🇱 #BlackMirror #S06 to dla mnie rozczarowanie. Żaden z odcinków tak naprawdę nie zachwycił w takim stopniu jak zdarzało się to w poprzednich sezonach. Jakbym miał wybrać dwa najlepsze to #JoanIsAwful i #BeyondTheSea.
#blackmirror #s06 #joanisawful #beyondthesea
Ich habe #BlackMirror #BeyondTheSea (S6.E3) mit 6/10 auf #IMDb bewertet. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt27731623
#blackmirror #beyondthesea #imdb
Black Mirror: Beyond the Sea - Review #BlackMirror #BeyondTheSea @NetflixDE
on further reflection, the real villain in #blackmirror #beyondthesea is Mission Control -- at what point do you just say OK fuck it you're both coming home now
#blackmirror #beyondthesea has some #creepycrawly #Manson vibes
#blackmirror #beyondthesea #creepycrawly #manson
Been watching the latest season of Black Mirror with the family, this season is wild. Beyond the Sea and Mazey Day were last night's episodes... the twists in these stories are nuts! Just when you think you can figure out what's going to happen, nope! 🫨
🔟/🔟 on the WTF-o-meter 🌡️
#blackmirror #netflix #beyondthesea #mazeyday
@InvisibleShoe yeah, I'm noticing a theme whereby they're all starting a tad slower. I'm hoping the pay off to #BeyondTheSea comes soon.