RT @DrEricDing@twitter.com
The vast majority of variants from within China and travelers flying from China are #BA5, #BQ1 and #BF7—all sublineages of BA5. #XBB15 still rare—because immunity escape qualities not competitive when most not immunized. I hope 🇨🇳 uses bivalent booster.
@dfocosi@twitter.com @siamosolocani@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DrEricDing/status/1614910401421901825
RT @RaffyFlynnArt@twitter.com
Some new uploads to GISAID from Beijing.
An awful lot of BF.7.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/RaffyFlynnArt/status/1610023817912504321
Literalmente: “no es que nosotros vayamos a impedir que ingrese una nueva variante” –@ximenaguilera sobre #BF7.
No hay promesa de prevención, punto. https://www.minsal.cl/plan-de-fronteras-protegidas-desde-el-01-de-enero-rigen-nuevas-medidas-para-viajeros/
@ZeroCovidColin this just gets more and more frustrating. We don't know where it's spreading fastest, which subvariant (#bf7 ?) is most transmissable, what strategies work best, or how many have died or become disabled, and where.
#covid19 Not Over Yet: What We Know of the Latest Surge in #China | It is perplexing why China chose to lift #ZeroCovid policy and do away with the strict NPIs, in winter, just before the #Chinese #NewYear when a highly transmissible #subvariant #bf7 was already in #Circulation
#covid19 #China #ZeroCovid #chinese #NewYear #subvariant #bf7 #Circulation
RT @MicrobesInfect@twitter.com
A new #omicron subvariant, #BF7, is spreading in #China.
BF.7 is believed to have an R0 of 10 to 18.6, meaning that an infected person will transmit the virus to an average of 10 to 18.6 other people. Research has shown omicron has an average R0 of 5.08.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MicrobesInfect/status/1604932005061595137
20/12/22 - Baisse des cas J8
71.212 cas (97.037 J-7↘️-26.6%)
Incidence : 578,9↘️🛑
Positivité : 25,7↘️🛑
Hospitalisations : 2288↗️+9% J-7🛑
Entrées en SI : 194↗️+12% J-7🛑
Solde hospis Covid+: 25.002🚨
Solde SI Covid: 1438↗️🛑
Décès : 178 ↗️+7% J-7🛑
19/12/22 - Baisse des cas J7
8.213 cas (10.878 J-7↘️-24%)
Incidence : 578,9↘️🛑
Positivité : 25,7↘️🛑
Hospitalisations : 1753↘️-7% J-7
Entrées en SI : 155↘️-13% J-7
Solde hospis Covid+: 24.631↗️🛑
Solde SI Covid: 1419↗️🛑
Décès : 178↗️+7% J-7🛑
BF.7 ist auch in Europa unterwegs, aber wohl noch nicht vorherrschend. Schau’n wir mal.
"Since the COVID variant omicron emerged in late 2021, it has rapidly evolved into multiple subvariants. One subvariant, BF.7, has recently been identified as the main variant spreading in Beijing, and is contributing to a wider surge of COVID infections in China."
#BF7 #COVID #COVID19 #Corona #Omikron #China #Beijing
#bf7 #covid #COVID19 #corona #omikron #china #beijing
"Para poner esto en contexto, se cree que #BF7 tiene un R0, o número de reproducción básico, de 10 a 18,6. Esto significa que una persona infectada transmitirá el virus a un promedio de 10 a 18,6 personas. Ómicron tiene un R0 promedio de 5.08." #Covid_19
RT @DrEricDing: “ 📍BF7 VARIANT—If the R0 value of *10-18* for #BF7 variant is true (2-3x more than old #Omicron), and resistant to neutralization even if vaccinated with older vaccines & #COVID infections of BA1/5, then China will be in a world of hurt—Hospitals near full. https://t.co/7jujtuDEtt https://t.co/ZvCAra9EDj ”
BF.7 is #3 on the top variants list with up to 50% of the cases in Ohio
Leider sieht es zumindest in Österreich derzeit nicht so aus, als würde #BF7 das Rennen machen.
RT @EllingUlrich
Total incidence growing. BA.5 and BF.7 both declining, now down to ~18% and ~22% respectively. Mild growth of BQ.1 (12%), strong growth for BQ.1.1 (18%), fast growth for BQ.1.1.+del144 (e.g. BQ.1.1.10, BQ.1.1.20; ~8%) BA.2.75 at ~9%. CH.1.1 at ~3%.
RT @DrEricDing@twitter.com
BREAKING—Beijing officials are recommending all residents of Chaoyang (mega district of 4+ million) to stay home on Monday—do not go indoors publicly, and do not leave the area. #BF7 variant suspected. China had its first death from #COVID19 since May. 🧵https://www.reuters.com/world/china/beijings-chaoyang-district-urges-residents-stay-home-monday-2022-11-20/ https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1594344385667534854
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DrEricDing/status/1594344385667534854