About to start today’s project of upgrading an Adalm Pluto with an EPSON OXCO with 500ppb stability. Upon opening of the Pluto I discover I have a ref C with external clock in and now I’m not so sure anymore whether to replace the existing crystal or hook up a #BG7TBL GNNSDO. #QO-100
@ai6yr just play and learn for now. I’m feeding the Siglent scope with an #BG7TBL GNSS external 10Mhz so should be able to see how stable the Si board is and how “pure” the analog signal (I’ve “liberated” the Siglent scope to 500Mhz, limiting are now the passive probes). When I probed the #QDX board I was surprised how dirty the signal was, so likely I made a few bad solderjoints there already. Then indeed a wander to the Si datasheet and QDX schematics to learn how you filter the signal.