Played #AMarsterraformálásaÁrészexpedíció on 2023-09-09 with 2 players, winning score: 54 #bgstats
#bgstats #amarsterraformalasaareszexpedicio
My #BGstats #boardgame plays for August 2023
5 #boardgames new for me brings my total titles logged closer to 1000. It’s not a perfect metric as some games get lumped into one entry on #BGG and others have multiple entries for essentially the same game. Lots of game were played before I started logging my games plays way back in 2007 so the total is higher than 1k. But I’ll celebrate anyway.
#bgstats #boardgame #boardgames #bgg
August #Boardgames 😊
Many little games. My favs were Everdell and Master Logic Color (some of you may know this kind of game as Mastermind).
I finished the first campaign of Welcome To The Moon and sold the game yesterday because I didn't like it. I was always reluctant to continue playing it.
#bgstats #Brettspiele
#boardgames #bgstats #brettspiele
Hier meine gespielten Spiele im August. Einige für mich neue Spiele dabei, und sogar zwei einigermaßen obskure. Earthborne Rangers ist toll, beinahe alle anderen sind auch lohnenswerte Spiele.
Not a lot of games played this past month as I had several trips (work and play). #AuZtralia was a new play and will def be in the rotation going forward. #bgstats #boardgames
BG Stats 2 x 2.
Play count:
3: Marvel United;
1: AuZtralia;
1: Horrified;
#auztralia #bgstats #boardgames
This month I hit 100 unique games played this year, 61 of which were new to me.
I also played exactly 25 games this month so I have a nice 5x5 to share!
August was a big month for #BoardGames here, between GenCon (and post-GenCon) + August weather + the Terraforming Mars: the Dice Game Kickstarter arriving. #TabletopGames #bgstats
#boardgames #tabletopgames #bgstats
Meine Spiele-August: Immerhin 5 Spiele, die ich zum ersten Mal gespielt habe. Das ist ganz ordentlich.
Und bei der Anzahl der verschiedenen Mitspieler hab ich glaube ich auch nen Rekord aufgestellt. Mit allen drei Spielegruppen, bei denen ich mitmische kam was auf den Tisch.
Aus ästhetischen Gründen ein Spiel nicht im Raster, sondern extra. Ich wünschte #bgstats hätte Alternative Layouts für Zahlen die nicht ins 3x3 oder 5x5 Raster passen. @brettspiele
> Won #MarvelUnited on 2023-09-01 with 3 players #bgstats #boardgames
Taskmaster is the easiest, but glad to have Kel play.
#marvelunited #bgstats #boardgames
Just missed out on fully filling my #bgstats grid for August. A bit of variance this month thanks to a wee holiday and #TabletopScotland which was great fun and my first of that nature other than the board game section of PAX West in 2018 whilst on our honeymoon!
Highlight for me was finally learning #Netrunner at Tabletop Scotland and playing a giant version of Qawale.
#netrunner #tabletopscotland #bgstats
@cefairon @brettspiele Alt-Text wäre schön (erzeugt #bgstats auf Wunsch automatisch). Das in der Mitte kann ich nicht identifizieren. Was ist das?
Thought I totally lost the plot on my zoo today, but ended up winning with a new high score! Won #ArkNova on 2023-08-27 with 2 players, winning score: 50. Really like this as a 2-player compared to 3 players. #bgstats #TabletopGames
#ArkNova #bgstats #tabletopgames
> Won #Horrified on 2023-08-26 with 1 player #bgstats #boardgames
Played as The Scientist and The Mayor against The Mummy and The Wolf Man.
#horrified #bgstats #boardgames
Played #MarvelUnited on 2023-08-05 with 1 player #bgstats #boardgames
Spider-Man, Miles Morales, and Hulk against Green Goblin. Yeah... Green Goblin is a LOT harder... Really like the way his threats come out though.
#marvelunited #bgstats #boardgames
Won campaign 1 chapter 1 #TheElderScrollsVSkyrim–TheAdventureGame on 2023-08-05 with 4 players #bgstats
Things moved much better now that we know the flow of the game. We did end up playing longer this game than we should have because we missed drawing a card that would’ve triggered the end of the game.
#theelderscrollsvskyrim #bgstats
Play log for July, courtesy of the amazing #bgstats app! We’re not in our gaming heyday, but we got some really good games in so I’m happy. The highlight was probably the 5 person play of John Company - it’s the most people we’ve had over for a game in a long time, and running the company together was exciting! #boardgames