#BGT is essentially one massive real-life version of the 'I didn't do it episode' of #TheSimpsons
Apparently a #Norwegian 🇳🇴 called #ViggoVenn has just won #BritainsGotTalent 🇬🇧
The headline on #NRK :nrk: says this "is like Skeid winning the Champions League" :football_skeid: and I'm very happy to see my favourite #Norsk football team getting a mention.
But also curious as to why the most talented man in #Britain is a Norwegian who runs around on stage wearing a hi-vis jacket. 🤷
#norwegian #viggovenn #britainsgottalent #nrk #norsk #britain #tv #television #bgt #unitedkingdom #Norsktut
@quetzatl Yo, al principio, tenía #NVDA pero no confiaba mucho en él. Eran las primeras versiones. Pero llegó un momento en el que me puse a usar NVDA… y hasta hoy. Tengo un #JAWS instalado por si fallara un día NVDA o hubiera algo que me resultara más cómodo usar con JAWS. Hasta para los #audiojuegos escritos en #BGT va mejor que JAWS. Y la clave supongo que está en que tiene continuas actualizaciones; está siempre en desarrollo.
Confession: I watch singing competition auditions on YouTube. It is my guilty pleasure.
I had to share this video from #BGT because it brought me joy. I had never heard of the song "The Village by the Wrabels until today. It is an anthem for our time--especially for teenagers. "There's something wrong in the village."
Tom Crosbie on #BritainsGotTalent #BGT #rubikscube #cube #cubing #HesABloodyNiceChap
#britainsgottalent #bgt #rubikscube #cube #cubing #hesabloodynicechap
Goggleboxers reaction to the #bgt sword swallower was hilarious. #gogglebox
being welsh and musical - I know we can sing. But this male voice choice on #bgt last night got the hairs on my arms standing up. fantastic harmonies and the solo at the start so rich - and bonus eyecandy! https://youtu.be/RKYiTw-dRUU
【海外の反応】全世界を虜にしたユリヤンの伝説のパフォーマンス https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1711359/comedian/
#AGT #bgt #おもしろCM #クールジャパン #ゴットタレント #ニキ #ネギ #ゆりやんレトリィバァ #リアクション #外国人の反応 #外国人実況者 #外国人配信者 #日本語字幕 #日本語訳 #海外の反応 #翻訳
#agt #bgt #おもしろcm #クールジャパン #ゴットタレント #ニキ #ネギ #ゆりやんレトリィバァ #リアクション #外国人の反応 #外国人実況者 #外国人配信者 #日本語字幕 #日本語訳 #海外の反応 #翻訳
Holy hell. There’s a man just solved a Rubik’s cube whilst on fire.
America’s got headcases, more like. #BGT
I have a #confession. I bloody love #BGT.
It’s totally mindless viewing that takes zero concentration and sometimes that’s exactly what I need. To not have to think or focus or concentrate or process.
I didn’t realise a new series had started until I glimpsed it in the refs room at work last night, so I’m now catching up.
I’ve just seen Amy Lou from #Titpton from episode 1 and got both goosebumps and a lump in my throat watching her belt out #Listen.
Loving it.
#confession #bgt #titpton #listen
is it just me or has #bgt become boring? 😬 overuse of slowmo ✅ Simon saying same catchphrases ✅ over exaggerated reactions ✅ and dare I say it, Ant & Dec presenting for the 17th weekend this year 🤷🏻♂️ #ohnoiveturned40andgrumpy
#bgt #ohnoiveturned40andgrumpy
Your Majesty, for your first Royal Variety Show as monarch, may I present to you... a man from Japan who is going to do naked-looking poses with his pants on.
One More Time!
#silly #comedy #humour frå #ViggoVenn på Britain's Got Talent #BGT
#silly #comedy #humour #viggovenn #bgt
#BGT (Britain's Got Talent) strikes me as the kind of program that would be used as cultural propaganda to sedate the masses into passivity within a totalitarian state.