RT @jzpawlowska@twitter.com
#JobAlert Are you mycologist or lichenologist looking for job in the most beautiful European Forest? Come join Białowieża Geobotanical Station team @UniWarszawski@twitter.com @BiolUW@twitter.com
more info: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/840239
#Białowieża #mycology
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/jzpawlowska/status/1575493255424135168
#mycology #białowieża #jobalert
RT @MeltingPotEU@twitter.com
La foresta di #Białowieża, Patrimonio Unesco dell'Umanità, è in pericolo.
@niedlamuru@twitter.com : I lavori vengono eseguiti in modo rapido affinché nessuno abbia il tempo di fermarli. BASTA COSTRUZIONE!
Info: https://www.meltingpot.org/2022/02/dai-confini-ai-centri-di-detenzione-la-polonia-dei-diritti-negati-e-delle-violazioni/ https://twitter.com/niedlamuru/status/1496401080116260864
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MeltingPotEU/status/1496439494819655680
RT @MeltingPotEU@twitter.com
La foresta di #Białowieża, Patrimonio Unesco dell'Umanità, è in pericolo.
@niedlamuru@twitter.com : I lavori vengono eseguiti in modo rapido affinché nessuno abbia il tempo di fermarli. BASTA COSTRUZIONE!
Info: https://www.meltingpot.org/2022/02/dai-confini-ai-centri-di-detenzione-la-polonia-dei-diritti-negati-e-delle-violazioni/ https://twitter.com/niedlamuru/status/1496401080116260864
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MeltingPotEU/status/1496439494819655680
Mitten im christlich geprägten Europa werden Menschen wie Schachfiguren in einem perversen Spiel geopfert.
Imaginäre Linien sind anscheinend wichtiger als Menschlichkeit.
#Polen #Polska #Belarus #Bialowieza #Białowieża #EU
#eu #białowieża #bialowieza #belarus #polska #polen
#Poland faces €100,000-a-day #fines over #illegal #logging in #Białowieża #forest | #Environment | The Guardian
#poland #fines #illegal #logging #białowieża #forest #environment
#EU #court orders #Poland to stop #logging in #Białowieża #forest | #Environment | The Guardian
#eu #court #poland #logging #białowieża #forest #environment
#EU calls for immediate #ban on #logging in #Poland's #Białowieża #forest | #Environment | The Guardian
#eu #ban #logging #poland #białowieża #forest #environment
‘My worst nightmares are coming true’: #Europe's last #primeval #forest on 'brink of #collapse’ | #Environment | The Guardian
#europe #primeval #forest #collapse #environment #poland #białowieża #unesco