Hurra, heute habe ich auf dem Flohmarkt drei Dichtungsringe für meine schwarze Moka Express für einen Euro erstanden und kann damit jetzt wieder leckeren Espresso kochen :blobcatcoffee:
Got a #Bialetti Moka Express as an alternative to my big espresso machine. Sometimes I just like a mocha coffee instead. ☕ :ablobcatcoffee:
Genius. Don't get me started on filter coffee ... ewww
@dhrystone Yuck. I hate that kind of thing, especially when I want #coffee. Glad I’ve stayed with my faithful #Bialetti. It always works.
Je öfter man sich dieses Infografik-GIF anschaut, desto mehr Fragen stellen sich einem. (Gefunden in #bialetti #mokaexpress #nzz
#bialetti #moka #caffeallitaliana So ein Moka ist auch etwas Schönes!
#bialetti #moka #caffeallitaliana
After several weeks with a stainless steel #Bialetti Venus 6-cup #mokapot, I decided to try the same recipe I’ve been using with the original aluminum pot today. I got the same amount and quality of #coffee out of it, but it took more than twice as long. Back to steel tomorrow.
Beim Segeln muss man manchmal sehr früh los – umso wichtiger ist Koffein am Morgen. Wenn es schnell gehen muss, gibt es schwarzen Tee. Wenn es die Zeit und der Seegang erlauben, gibt es #Espresso oder #Cappuccino. Echte Handarbeit mit Kaffeemühle und #Bialetti Espressokocher.
#segeln #sketchnotes #scribble #sailing #montag #mondaymotivation #mastoart
#espresso #cappuccino #bialetti #segeln #sketchnotes #scribble #sailing #montag #mondaymotivation #mastoart
Coffee time! ☕
Our Brikka works fine again, after a blockage in the nozzle caused it to fire steam out of the overpressure relief valve. Had to take the nozzle apart and clean out the rubber fitting underneath the valve.
I had weirdness with the #coffee today. With the #Bialetti Venus #moka pot, everything was the same to the gram and the second, but the coffee started coming out the chimney very early and quickly, and the result tasted bland. No idea what I did wrong. This broke a streak of about 8 straight days of perfect coffee.
I just got a new 6-cup Bialetti Venus stainless-steel moka pot. I modified the formula I got from Matteo d’Ottavio on YouTube (21 g coffee ground at #11 on a Baratza Encore, 200 g water heated to about 75 degrees C, medium gas flame). The coffee was excellent, and was finished in half of my usual time! #coffee #moka #bialetti